January 15, 2025
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA
Fashion & Beauty

Luscious Lingerie – What Katie Did

After my massive wardrobe clear out one thing I feel I am seriously lacking is some proper, grown up, lingerie.

I think the last time I bought any lace fripperies that could be described using that word was sometime around the turn of the century (actually it was probably more recent than that, but I’ve lost an awful lot of weight since). It wasn’t something I felt my wardrobe needed really. It wasn’t like I was planning to wander round in my pants anytime soon, and I’m still not. But I would like something to wear that would give me that oh so glamorous feel as I slip on my stockings, rather than that hot and irritable feel as I struggle into my Spanx.

On my wish list now then is pretty much the entire collection from What Katie Did.

I’ve had them saved in my shopping bookmarks for some time, but the prices are still sadly a little out of my price range. One day my pretties, one day……

Josephone Lingerie & Shapewear
Josephine Lingerie & Shapewear
Sailor Lingerie
Sailor Lingerie


  • Ashe Mischief September 8, 2009

    Her pieces are AMAZING! Absolutely gorgeous…
    .-= Ashe Mischief´s last blog ..ā€œPlus-Sizedā€ Bras for Busty Gals =-.

  • Lilly September 9, 2009

    oh I love this! I just stumbled on your blog while looking up something šŸ™‚ I offer bridal corsets and lingerie all the way from S-6X, and would love to offer something for your giveaways šŸ™‚ We do this type of thing as well and it’s fun for everyone!


  • Jo Bryan September 9, 2009

    Ooh la la gorgeous designs.

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