Home Fashion & Beauty What Are You Wearing? Dancing in the Dark.
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What Are You Wearing? Dancing in the Dark.

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I planned to show you a beautiful photograph of me in my carefully put together outfit for a wedding reception I went to in Twickenham (well, as beautiful as any photographs of me can be)

Sadly, however, my inability to figure out the low light settings on my camera, and the fact that the lights were turned down very low, means all I can give you is some blurry pictures of me prancing around in front of a Christmas tree.

Black Satin Dress - Warehouse * Seamed Tights - Primark * Pink Suede Shoes - Faith *
Earrings, Clip & Handbag - Vintage

The seamed tights from Primark cost £1 and are my new favourite things, they’re perfect for nights when you’re fairly sure you’re going to stick your nails through your tights and don’t want to wear your £20 cuban heeled seamed stockings. My other secret for wearing a backless dress is a self adhesive bra, like this. Mine has clear silicone “wings” to which I add toupee tape to firmly glue it to my body!

I can also show you a close up of my attempt to take on some of the tips I learnt from Flamingo Amy and add a little curl to my fringe. I’m wearing my “intensifying” revlon false eyelashes here as well, my new favourite way to add a touch of glamour to my look. The picture is taken in the non glamorous surroundings of the changing rooms at London Welsh Rugby Club, the venue for the wedding party.

The bride looked truly stunning in a vintage lace dress and seamed stockings. Again, my lack of low light photography skills mean I don’t have a picture that does either the bride or groom justice, but here’s the happy couple.

This will probably be my last post now until the New Year, so I just want to make sure I’ve wished you all a very, very, very Happy New Year!


Whatever you’re doing you can tell me all about it, and don’t forget that tomorrow is your last day to get that massive 35% discount at Urban Buzz.

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