That Totally Tropical Taste

5 minutes of nice weather and I like to convince myself England has actually become Hawaii

If only my garden WAS in Hawaii, but it’s not, it’s in Norfolk. Mr Chicks vegetable growing has been a great success this year though, can you see those peas? That means lovely fresh peas with tonights dinner, if I can be bothered to shell them.

Feeling tropical in the heat over the last few days, combined with NEW SHOES has inspired me to drag out my biggest boldest florals.

I did some soft, up swept, victory rolls in my hair this morning (tutorial here!) , and I think they’ve come out really well, possibly the best ones I’ve managed yet! I also used a dark green eyeliner, which gives a slightly softer feel to my eye make up as harsh sunlight is not kind to heavy make up.

I can’t leave you this sunny afternoon without showing you a close up look (excuse the state of my legs!) at the shoes that were the inspiration behind my tropical mood. They’re Miss L Fire bamboo wedges with orchids on the ankle ties, if you’re a Facebook fan you might have seen me post the link when I bought them on eBay!

Mr Chick doesn’t like them, what do you think?

This weekend I am off to drink Pimms, eat strawberries and listen to Big Band music in one of Norwich’s gorgeous parks (there are still tickets left if you want to come too! Details on my Norwich Events Page)

If you have plans you should pop over to my Facebook Page and let me know what they are. At 6pm I’m going to randomly pick one person who left me a comment to win a yummy bath bomb and handmade “Miss Pinkwhistle” soap from the lovely Plume Lifestyle.

ā¤ Top - Dorothy Perkins ā¤ Skirt - CKM via eBay ā¤ Shoes - Miss L Fire via eBay ā¤
ā¤ Belt - Vintage ā¤ Parasol - Relish Boutique ā¤ Hair Flower - Flamingo Amy ā¤
ā¤ Necklace - Boho Boutique ā¤ Bracelets - River Island ā¤
18 replies on “That Totally Tropical Taste”
  1. says: Fiona - Notorious Kitsch

    OMG I love the shoes, I do know of Miss L Fire in fact someone I know now works for them, lucky girl but those shoes are lovely!

  2. says: Sherin

    Love the Summery outfit, and I love how it’s gotten warmer. You look fabulous, and I’m really loveing the hair and shoes.

  3. says: Style Eyes

    Your hair looks gorgeous and I love your skirt. I am going to vintage at Goodwood and am hoping I can try out a gorgeous hairstyle as I just don’t have the time, skill or patience to do it at home.

    Don’t listen to Mr Chick your shoes are beautiful and very unusual!

  4. says: Michelle

    I love the shoes! Mr. Chick is not correct here, I have to say. Your hair looks fabulous too – I could never get the hang of any of the retro looks.

  5. says: Jo B

    Gemma the hair looks so good, best yet, love the outfit and know that this is typed morning after the Pimms fest(tweets), hope you have a great day

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