Christmas is Coming!

It’s the 1st December. As far as I’m concerned that officially means I can witter on about Christmas as much as I like!

I have an incredibly cheap advent calendar, bought last minute yesterday as everyone I know inexplicably failed to take the hint about the Fortnum & Mason Advent calendar. If you’d like a daily update on what random deformed chocolate I get out of it each day then follow me on Twitter!

I’m planning a little Christmas Stocking giveaway in the run up to Christmas and am currently in the process of getting together as many goodies as possible to put in it.

In the mean time now’s the time to deck the halls. The website will be putting up it’s Christmas decorations today, as will my house if I can be bothered to get them out of the loft. It’s also time for the Christmas Avatar. I shall be going with this…

If you fancy buying vintage decorations then Etsy and eBay are the places to look, but beware of vintage lights unless you want to burn your house to the ground! In reality Christmas decorations mostly haven’t changed much over the years, colourful glass baubles and a sprinkle of glitter being the order of the day.

If you want some vintage Christmas pictures then Papa Teds Place appears to have been collecting snaps from people . In most vintage pictures it appears that what we used to call “angel hair” when I was little is a popular decoration! There’s an seller selling original spun glass angel hair on eBay. Or Christmas Time UK sells bags of Angel Hair or silver lametta.

This picture is from 1943.

I’ve found the best vintage style Christmas tree decorations that you can buy on the High Street and not have to worry about your tree falling over and smashing your precious vintage baubles.

Anwen pack of 3 Baubles – Habitat £5

I remember having these baubles wrapped in silk threads when I was little. They probably dated from the 1960s as they were on their last legs then! This is a good modern replacement.

Glitter Stripe Bauble – John Lewis £3.50

A traditional shape, in glass and traditional colours.

Linea Antique Gold Bauble – £5 £2.50 House of Fraser

I love the design on this bauble, and, even better, it’s half price!

Retro Glass Baubles Pack of 6 – £8.50 Paperchase

A whole pack of 6 retro style baubles. I have a tiny glass snowman who could probably do with company of a tiny glass Santa…

Handmade Christmas Hearts – £4.99 Retro Chick

Yes, it’s the shameless self promotion bit of the show. I have about 17 different designs of these hearts on sale in the shop!

Happy Decorating!

11 replies on “Christmas is Coming!”
  1. says: kerry

    Those glasses are fab, so very elton! I remember hanging the baubles wrapped in silk threads when I was a nipper too. I must say the doll in your 1943 xmas picture is quite terrifying! x

  2. says: Lyn

    I too remember the silk threaded baubles as a youngster but ours too had clearly been dug out for many a long year

  3. says: Penny Dreadful Vintage

    Oh yes, we had those sating wrapped balls too – they don’t look good for very long when you have cats in the house.

    I made little painted robins last year, might do some deer or something this year to expand the collection.

  4. says: MissRayne

    I’ve still got the heirloom Christmas Decs which I rescued about 10 minutes before the bin men arrived (BAD MUM) but yes, I too had to throw out the silk tread covered ones and the birds that had lost their tails.

  5. Haha! Those glasses are very understated and subtle 😉
    I applaud you for holding off until December 1st for the Christmas hoopla. Sounds as though it wasn’t easy for you…

  6. says: Fiona - Notorious Kitsch

    YAY Christmas! We are planning a weekend of decorating for Christmas, mince pies & maybe a tipple or two!

  7. says: Leanne

    Loving the sunglasses 😉 I am currently trying to get myself festive, maybe them sunglasses are definately the key!

    I love the photograph from 1943 and I love your handmade Christmas Hearts…who says self-advertising doesn’t work.

  8. says: Style Eyes

    oh yes ! I love Christmas. We will be putting up our decorations on the weekend. Unless we are snowed in today of course and get bored of making snowmen.

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