Home Fashion & Beauty Let the Shoes do the Talking
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Let the Shoes do the Talking

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Hurray! 10 days into January and on Saturday I left the house in proper clothes and everything!

I went to the pub with Mr Chick and Mr & Mrs Betsy Hatter to get tipsy on too much beer and talk about rubbish for a few hours, which was huge fun.

Actually, this dress is probably on it’s last legs now, but I had AWESOME shoes and I felt the need for a very simple outfit to show them off. No fancy jewellery, just amazing shoes and some killer shapewear (this stuff, if you were wondering) under a Bodycon frock.

irregular choice

♥ Dress -New Look ♥ Belt – handmade gift  ♥
♥ Shoes – Irregular Choice Mostaccio Shoes c/o Scorpio Shoes ♥

The shoes are my first pair of Irregular Choice shoes, despite lusting after their styles for a very long time. They came courtesy of Scorpio Shoes, who also stock Ruby Shoo, another good brand for quirky retro shoes. They are very high, but the heels are chunky, so they’re fairly comfortable to walk in, and they have glittery heels and a moustache and pipe on the front. What more could you want from a shoe?

Oh yes, I know what else you could want from a pair of shoes. Those amazing patterned Irregular Choice soles that make me not want to wear them on rough surfaces!

So that was the first official outfit post of 2015. Thank goodness I’ll have something to add to next years frock round up!

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