Experimenting with various ways of removing hair was like a rite of passage when I was growing up.
I’ve used razors, creams that stank and made my eyes sting, cold wax strips, some weird glove, like sandpaper, that you were supposed to rub your legs with and even bought an epilator which I used for a bit and then got bored of, I’ve always fallen back in the end on the good old razor.
What hair you chose to remove, if any, is a matter of choice. Personally I like to do my lower legs and underarms and pluck my eyebrows. I’m not as obsessive about it as I used to be. I still remember the time I discovered what “razor rash” was while attempting to dry shave my legs when I was camping as a teenager. These days if I need to go to the shops and I haven’t shaved my legs I am well aware that most likely, no one gives a crap, and if they do, I don’t, so my main aim in life is to spend as little time and effort removing the hair I want gone as possible.
I feel more groomed, and “fresher” when I have silky smooth legs and I like the way they feel, I even shave my legs in Winter when I’m wearing opaque tights, for me it’s not a visual thing, especially as my hair is very light so half the time the rest of the world wouldn’t notice if I was hair-free or not.
Anyway, all this rambling about my hairy legs is leading up to the fact that recently I was sent a bumper pack of things to try from the new Argan Oil range by Nair.
I tried as many of them as 2 legs and one face could manage in an enjoyable evening that made me feel like that teenager trying new stuff again. Best thing about them compared to other products I’ve tried in my experimental past is that they smell absolutely gorgeous. If you use a product already then I can virtually guarantee that the equivalent from this range will smell better!
I tried the cold wax strips with colour change technology to let you know when you had heated them up enough, A big tub of Salon Divine body wax that goes in the microwave and the Roll On Hot Wax on various bits of my legs. Then I tried the precision roll on wax and hair removing cream on my eyebrows.
I had 2 favourites from the ones I tried (Note: In the past I have preferred creams for my legs, but I haven’t yet had chance to try the Shower Power cream, so I have high hopes for that!) For legs the Salon Divine body wax was great fun, but messy, fussy, and I just couldn’t get it right, but the Roll On Wax was a favourite and really effective, leaving me with smooth legs, soft skin the next day and hopefully it’ll last for ages so I don’t have to faff about doing it again every 3 days.
My absolute favorite though was the precision facial cream used on my eyebrows. I like having groomed eyebrows, but I HATE plucking them, how boring is pulling out individual hairs one by one? I’m lucky I’m blonde, I can ignore them for weeks if no one is getting close up, but I feel like my eyes look more open and brighter when I’ve actually made the effort to shape them properly.
This stuff was brilliant, I carefully brushed it on, left it for about 5 minutes while I did other stuff, it smelt nice, then I wiped it off with a cloth and it worked like a dream and left me with soft skin, no sticky residue.
During the Summer I occasionally like to switch up my red lips and nude eyes look with something a bit more smoky, and if you wear eyeshadow all the way up to your brow, especially if it has any shimmer, then it goes on a lot better if the skin is smooth and hair-free, and this is the ultimate lazy girl way to do it! Please excuse the terrifying close up of my eye, it seemed necessary!
If you’re in the mood for some experimentation, or you use hair removing products already and want something that smells divine, then take a look at the Argan Oil range by Nair.
I, of course, now have enough hair removal products to keep me hair-free for the entire Summer!
Skin By Nair http://t.co/YsRT3rCJCN
Skin By Nair: Experimenting with various ways of removing hair was like a rite of passage when I was growing u… http://t.co/gzWP9I52U6
Skin By Nair: Experimenting with various ways of removing hair was like a rite of passage when I was growing u… http://t.co/498alMlsRO
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A simple way to keep eyebrows neat without plucking??? Count me in on that one! I have blonde hair and dark brown, nearly black eyebrows that look like a dodgy politicians if I don’t groom them severely. *adds Nair to shopping list*
These products sound brilliant! Like you, I tried everything as a teenager, and shaving always worked out best, but I’m happy to experiment again if everything smells nicer.
I think I’ll try that out, the products I’ve used haven’t really worked for me. Thanks for the recommendation x
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