An Indian Summer

Over the weekend the UK, or at least Norwich, basked in an Indian Summer.

The weather was beautiful and warm, which is a good job because as I headed out for the first night of Norwich Cocktail Week on Saturday I couldn’t find the black top I originally wanted to wear and in the end settled on a crop top instead, so at least I didn’t get a cold tummy!

Cocktail Skirt

The skirt is the one I wrote about in this post a few weeks ago. I ummed and ahhed over buying it for ages as it’s very expensive. I even did something I have NEVER done before in 7 years of blogging and asked them if they were able to offer a discount. They never replied and now I feel like an idiot.

I put the skirt in the basket, took it out, put it back in, and then finally gave in and bought it, considering skirts with cocktails on them an essential business purchase for the organiser of Norwich Cocktail Week, right? I am appearing on local digital station Mustard TV this afternoon, and judging a Cocktail Competition on Wednesday so the skirt will at least get a few outings!


Norwich Cocktail Week

 ♣ Top – ASOS ♣ Skirt – Victory Parade ♣ Petticoat – Vintage ♣
♣ Shoes – Office ♣ Earrings and Bangles – Lady Lucks Boutique ♣

These photos, of course, are taken before the consumption of any cocktails, as you can see from the fact that my eyes haven’t yet glassed over and I am able to stand upright in heels on cobbles.

On Saturday night we managed to visit 8 of the 25 bars involved in Norwich Cocktail Week this year, but there’s still a long week ahead of us to make sure we get round them all!

This particular cocktail below was called a Trace and Status in the Ten Bells. It has salted caramel in it, which makes a cocktail a winner any day in my book.

So that was a short and sweet post, but I have to go and get ready to head off for my moment of fame on Mustard TV, and then the hardship that is visiting another selection of cocktail bars!

See you later! If you live in Norwich, come out, buy a wristband and have a cocktail!



34 replies on “An Indian Summer”
  1. says: CiCi Marie

    Their stuff is very expensive indeed. I inquired as a blogger too (in my case I’d met with some of them at London Edge who referred me to their contact address)… and they also ignored me. So if nothing else, you’re not alone!

  2. That skirt really does suit you.

    All their stuff is made in the UK, which might be why they’re more expensive than other brands – UK manufacturing is a big plus for me, as I am concerned about the conditions garment workers work in.

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