*That* Skirt and Silly Heels

You can’t say I didn’t warn you about this.

It’s Norwich Cocktail Week and so I will mostly be wearing clothes with cocktails on, and drinking lots of cocktails and talking about cocktails, and pretty much turning into one big cocktail.

This skirt has actually had 3 outings this week, because when I spend £65 on a skirt I like to get my money’s worth (and yes, the skirt is made in the UK, lovely quality, and absolutely worth £65). On Saturday I wore it out in beautiful warm sunshine with a crop top and a real vintagey feel. On Monday I wore it in a similar way, but with a 3/4 sleeve top for an appearance on local channel Mustard, and on Wednesday I went a little bit more Rock & Roll to judge a Cocktail bar tending competition so I thought maybe you could stand seeing the skirt again.

Autumn Outfit

As you can see the weather was considerably less nice on Wednesday. Autumn had been hiding in the wings waiting to leap out and go “HA!”, just as we all thought we could start bringing our Summer clothes out for a last hurrah.

I teamed the Cocktail skirt with a leather obi belt, a t-shirt, and some high heels that were really ill advised considering the bar I was going to was on one of the cobbled lanes that Norwich is full of and I had to be supported across the street lest I broke an ankle. This is the reason I don’t often wear stiletto heels these days, Norwich just isn’t designed for them.

shoe boots


♣ Skirt – Victory Parade ♣ T-Shirt – Tu at Sainsburys ♣ Jacket – French Connection* ♣
♣ Shoe Boots – Guess at TK Maxx ♣ Leather Obi Belt – ASOS
♣  Tights – Wade & Belle* ♣ Necklace – Pin Pin Finds ♣

Also, as it is now October, I feel I can justifiably bring out my Pumpkin necklace.

Basically my wardrobe is one big dressing up box of clothes waiting for the appropriate time to be worn. I have dresses with skulls on and bat earrings, clothes covered in Cocktails and a disturbing array of clothing with Christmas prints all of which I have to wear as many times as possible in their allotted months.

I am pulling a bit of a weird face in this one, like I’ve just woken up from a nap, but it’s the best one I got, so we’ll all have to live with it.


I can’t say I exactly feel at my healthiest right now. I love Cocktails but I’ve drunk rather a lot of them this last week, which might explain the dopey face and puffy eyes I’m sporting. 2 more nights are left of Norwich Cocktail Week and tonight I’m looking forward to a few quiet Cocktails with some friends and hopefully an early night, you never know your luck!

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