Day 12: Vintage Hair Styling Package from Wacky Tuna

We’re now half way through the Advent Giveaway! Hurrah!

Todays prize is from another of my favourite little independent creative businesses. Brittany of the blog Va Voom Vintage set up her Etsy shop Wacky Tuna back in 2014 and she sells handmade novelty brooches as well as other kitsch and vintage pieces that you’ll fall in love with!

She has kindly put together a little vintage hair styling package for today’s prize. It includes a handmade mint green crochet snood (great when it’s windy! Top tip, buy a hair piece that matches your own and you can use it to fill out a snood when you can’t be bothered to do your hair!) 2 pin up hair scarves in blue gingham and pink poodle print, a watercolor zipper bag in pin curl print, lined in blue polka dots and a handmade leather hair pin wallet with vintage matchbook cover which is ideal if you’re forever fishing hair grips out of the bottom of your handbag!

For a chance to win just follow Brittany on Twitter or Instagram, or if you follow me on Instagram that’ your bonus entry! Log into the rafflecopter widget and follow the instructions to enter!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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