Happy Mothers Day!
That’s aimed directly at my Mum, who may or may not read this today, but also to anyone else who should be having a Happy Mothers Day. To the rest of you I hope you just have a Happy Day, not being a Mother certainly shouldn’t exclude you from a Happy Day!
I am planning an exciting trip to the Supermarket and a run, but before I head off to do those things, it’s time for a little update on my exciting week.
This Week I….
Found Peanut Butter Oreos
I got left alone in the supermarket for 5 minutes and with no one to stop me Peanut Butter Oreos just fell into my shopping basket.
They were delicious, though not peanut buttery enough really. Maybe next time I’ll just dip them in peanut butter. Or just eat peanut butter with a spoon like I normally do.
Bought Tickets for Secret Cinema 28 Days Later
Waaaah! Secret Cinema are doing 28 Days Later. I am both slightly terrified and really excited about the fact we have bought tickets to go and see it! My Dad kindly offered to upgrade them to VIP tickets as a birthday present, which probably means extra terror, but also means extra drinks to help you get over it.
If you fancy being utterly terrified by rage infected zombies then you can get tickets here.
Enjoyed some classic Spring weather
I know, talking about the weather, how very British of me, but I really think this deserves a mention, mostly because I made an idiot of myself on Wednesday at the gym.
I arrived at the Gym a little chilly, but suddenly half way through, noticed it was snowing huge fat flakes out of the window and I was, to be honest, a bit gobsmacked with surprise. I caught the eye of a guy on the squat rack, and I thought we’d shared a “Wow, it’s snowing moment” but then he kept looking at me weirdly, until eventually he took his headphones off and I had to explain I wasn’t staring at him, but that it was snowing and I am just that impressed by snow. He hadn’t noticed, or didn’t care, and now thinks I am a crazy person.
It had stopped by the time I left and 2 days later there was blazing sunshine enough for me to go out with bare ankles and not be cold.
Got some new glasses
I was long over due an eye test, which I kept putting off, then Specsavers sent me a voucher to get a new pair of glasses which spurred me into action.
Specsavers are my regular optician anyway, so that was nice, and I got to pick out some funky new frames. I will get better, less dishevelled looking photos, with no stickers on them, soon, but in the meantime, what do you think?
Stopped off for a Cocktail
You can tell it’s Spring when I start drinking cocktails again! Mr Postles Apothecary is a great place for fun Cocktails. One of these was on fire, our next round came with bubbling dry ice.
Played, and won, a game of Roller Derby
I mean, I didn’t win on my own, The Norfolk Brawds played the Dolly Rockit Rollers in a closed door (no audience) game. We played a really strong game, and it felt great to put into a practice a lot of stuff we’d been working on in the last few weeks.
I even have a little Gif. I’m in the blue, with my back to the Camera (number 79) this is some great offence from Penny Slain, clearing the outside lane for our jammer, and some great tracking from Short Circuit stopping the opposing Jammer from taking the same space.
And that was another week in my not very exciting life!
How was your week?
Great pic 🙂