Autumn Vodka Hot Tuddy Cocktail

Now that Autumn is setting in, it’s time for an Autumn Cocktail.

One of the things I love about Autumn is that feeling of cosying up. Like we’re getting ready to hunker down for winter. I want things with apples and spices and pumpkins, warming things. I like to imagine that I’m going to wear coloured tights and lace up brown brogues with a big chunky scarf more often than I actually do and that I’m going to wrap my hands around a nice warm drink and blow on it while it billows clouds of steam in a picturesque fashion.

Basically I like to imagine that in Autumn my life is totally going to look like Pinterest. There will be crisp golden leaves and dramatic skies. In reality Autumn is mostly rain, of course. Or that annoying weather where you freeze between the hours of 6pm and 10am, but the afternoons are like mid Summer. There are a lot of grey skies, and a lot of trying to track down last years black opaque tights because suddenly it’s too chilly for bare legs.

One thing I can do though, is an autumn cocktail.


This one comes courtesy of Wild Knight Vodka, they are sponsoring our Best Bar Competition for Norwich Cocktail Week and last week dropped off some prizes. They also left a little miniature for us to try ourselves and a selection of Cocktail recipes. This one is called a Hot Tuddy and it looked simple and tasty, so I decided to give it a try.

You can make this with any vodka, and if you don’t have Calvados, try substituting brandy. It’s easy to make yourself a single serve to drink on a chilly evening, or you can scale the recipe up and make up a batch to serve lots of people.

Autumn Vodka Hot Tuddy

ingredients – Serves 1

25ml Wild Knight Vodka
25ml Calvados
100ml Pressed Apple Juice
1/2 tsp Muscovado sugar

Place all the ingredients into a small pan and heat gently. Stirring to dissolve the sugar.

Once warm (but not boiling) pour into a suitable heatproof glass and garnish with a slice of apple if you’re feeling fancy.



3 replies on “Autumn Vodka Hot Tuddy Cocktail”
  1. says: Bridie

    Oh how that made me chuckle “Basically I like to imagine that in Autumn my life is totally going to look like Pinterest” and how true to my life that comment was.

    The hot toddy is defo one to try out though, perfect for chilly evenings.

  2. says: Tam Francis

    This looks great. I often drink hot tea with honey and whiskey in the winter and have a hot Vodka cranberry apple cider, but this looks just as yummy. I cannot wait to try it. Beautiful pictures, too!

  3. says: Porcelina

    This sounds so good right now! Applejuice and brandy is lovely in warmer months too, over ice. I’d serve this version maybe with a cinnamon stick, for extra Autumn points! x

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