Good morning! I hope you’re all settling in for another fun Bank Holiday weekend?
To be honest I very nearly forgot it was a bank holiday, after all, bank holidays are basically old hat now seeing as we just had a 4 day weekend, like, 2 weeks ago. Yawn, another bank holiday.
I have no idea what I’m planning to do with what’s left of it now. To be honest I’m not feeling on top of the world. It’s either hayfever, or I’m getting ill, or I’m just darned exhausted after a long week. Whatever it is, maybe I will take that extra bank holiday day off and spend it under a blanket watching Buffy. Who knows.
Anyway, those are future decisions. In the mean time, lets deal with the week just gone, because this week I……
Got a free Gousto Box
Last week it was free biscuits, this week a free Gousto box. I’ve tried out Gousto boxes in the long distant past. Before I was organised enough to do a weekly food shop online they were a great way of making sure there was food in the house at the weekend, and therefore stopping me doing even more expensive things, like ordering takeaways. They are basically easy step by step recipes, and all the ingredients to make them, delivered in a handy chilled box.
We made sticky chilli beef burritos, and the yummiest welsh rarebit burger, plus we now have the recipes forever, and a rather natty wooden spoon that Mr Chick has declared his favourite wooden spoon.
You can use the code TORNADO to get £20 off your first and second box, which makes it just £7.49 for 2 meals for 2. I do recommend giving them a go, especially at £7.49 a box! They’re a bit of a luxury at full price, but definitely worth it for weeks where you’re super busy, or don’t have time to go to the shops.
Ate more cheese
Remember 2 weeks ago I went and had cheese and wine Tuesdays at my local pub The Cottage?
It was so good we went back and had it again. Not much more to say about that, but look at the amazing cheeeeese!
Did a spot of vintage window shopping
In order to avoid this weeks post being basically a list of all the nice things I ate, I have decided to balance it out with a photo of me in some hilarious glasses.
Mr Chick and I had to go into the City for a meeting. It was in a coffee shop that was all marble tables and totally instagrammable. Except I was in a business meeting and I had this feeling it might be inappropriate to rearrange the tables to take flat lay photos of your coffee.
Afterwards we decided to treat ourselves to a little wander round an antique shop next door. It mostly consisted of saying “Oooh, we’ve got one of those!” and looking at the price tags and saying “HOW MUCH!?”. But I did take photos of myself in a selection of sunglasses, so that’s a treat for you.
Moved 10 websites to a new server
This is so dull I can’t believe I’m even mentioning it, but it’s one of the reasons I think I’m feeling so damn grotty! Why do I even host 10 websites? Some are mine, some are friends sites, but either way I had to move all 10 to a new server this week as well as getting on with all my regular work.
It was tiresome. It should just be a case of downloading files and then uploading them again, but WordPress is a tricky beast that likes to get upset and randomly not work occasionally and then you have to work out why. Plus moving emails is a total PITA.
I did it though. I’m terribly proud, be proud of me.
Got the weirdest spam email ever
Srsly, it was weird. The words “Internet site URL” were hyperlinked (to a site I obviously didn’t visit because I’m not THAT stupid). It read:
“Why, hello.
You don’t know me yet.
My name is George, I’m 76 years old.
I am on my deathbed so it’s time for me to tell my secret to everyone willing to listen.
My newest wife, she is 24 now, she stayed rail-thin not thanks to grueling exercise or a good diet.
She just used this weight loss product — internet site URL.
I want every lady to be skinny.
Right. Ok then.
Watched Top Gun in the park
I hadn’t seen Top Gun, I didn’t even realise I hadn’t seen Top Gun because it’s one of those films that you’ve seen endless clips of. Also I have watched Hot Shots, which is like Top Gun, but very silly.
Catton Park were showing it on a big screen, so we bought tickets and took a picnic. We ate pie and crisps and drank wine while wrapped up in many, many layers, and I watched Top Gun, which was fun, if just for Val Kilmers terrible hair.
And that was my week.
How was your week?
Yummy that Gousto box! Looks like a busy week moving those sites! I know how stressful can be!