This Week I…….

Hi there Sunday folks, how are you?

I’ve been a little (ok, completely) quiet this week, but that’s not to say I’ve not been busy working on the blog. This year I promised myself I would not put pressure on myself to get content out when things were overwhelmingly busy. I didn’t however, plan to not post at all, but I’ve had a couple of big jobs come in this week (and took Wednesday off because it was Valentines Day!) and there are only so many hours in the day.

Next week I shall be back to the grindstone, but today I will be spending the rest of the day sat on the sofa with 2 very tired Pugs after a long morning spent splashing through mud and sniffing at trees.

But, anyway, just in case you’re interested, in the hours that I wasn’t glued to my laptop. This week I……

Did have a black eye after all actually

After last weeks “finger in eyeball” incident at Roller Derby I was disappointed not to have a black eye. Then on Tuesday morning I noticed I looked like I was wearing yellow eyeshadow, and on closer inspection it turned out I did have a black eye after all, it just wasn’t a very bad ass looking one.

I was confined to glasses till Thursday afternoon, and by the weekend any trace of black eye had disappeared completely.

Here, have a disturbingly huge photo of my eye taken in the gym while I was sweaty and gross. What a treat.

Made Pancakes

Because it was PANCAKE DAY! Which is actually Shrove Tuesday, but we all know really it’s pancake day. I had no intention of giving up anything for lent, but I had pancakes anyway, because why not?

We had mushrooms, spinach, bacon and blue cheese savoury pancakes, then for dessert we had traditional lemon and sugar, with some slightly less traditional Golden Syrup.

I even flipped them without dropping any.

Had a cheesy Valentines Day lunch

Wednesday was Valentines Day, so we decided to treat ourselves to an afternoon off, head out for lunch, and then go to the cinema to see Black Panther (which is really good BTW. Go see it)

We had planned to have lunch at Nandos, because that’s totally romantic, right? Except it was also half term and a million school children also wanted a Nandos and there were no tables. So in the end we decided to go for the super classy Valentine’s Day meal deal at Wetherspoons.

It was fun. Everytime people make sneery faces and go “Who’d go to Wetherspoons on Valentines Day?” I’ve got secretly a little bit more keen to do it.

So that’s one thing ticked off my bucket list.

Ruined my coffee

After lunch and before the movie, we decided to grab a coffee at Starbucks. I decided to put vanilla sugar sprinkles on mine.

Then the whole lid fell off the shaker and into my coffee.

I made them make me a new one. I decided not to have vanilla on this one.

Went out for drinks

Last night we went into the actual proper City, on an actual Saturday night for our friends birthday. It feels like about a million years since we’ve had a proper night out at the weekend.

There were an awful lot of other people around. Apparently Saturday nights are a popular night to go out.

I didn’t take a single photo and I have a headache and urge to eat a lot of cheese today, so I must have had a great time……

And that was another installment of the exciting tales of the life of Gemma.

How was your week?

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