Hi there! Basically this diary entry should come with just one heading that says “drank cocktails”, because this was Norwich Cocktail Week, an event we’ve been working on for the last few months. Depsite trying to take it a little easier than in previous years there were A LOT of cocktails to be drunk.
There were, however, a few other events of note this week, so I have split the cocktails up into manageable portions.
So before I spend the afternoon on the sofa snuggling Pugs and NOT drinking cocktails, This Week I……
Went for a Run in the Rain
But I told you all about that earlier this week in what I laughingly call my “race report“.
So instead lets focus on the bit where I got home and dry, had a long hot shower, then went out for Cocktails in my snazzy cocktail cardigan.
We had planned to make an afternoon of it and take the Pugs along, but the disgusting weather meant we just headed out for chips and cocktails at Chambers Cocktail Company, had a swift stop in at the Maids Head and then came home and sat by the fire in our pyjamas.

Took the Pugs out for Cocktails
Fortunately the disgusting weather eased off early in the week, so on Tuesday there were more cocktails, and this time we took the Pugs along in their little cocktail bandanas.
They had a great time, they love visiting pubs and bars and insisting on their own chairs, but they did start to get tired and sleepy, having missed out on about 5 hours of regular sofa nap time.

Had my Bones Scanned
In non-cocktail related news, on Wednesday morning I had an appointment for a bone scan at the hospital.
I take steroids for my asthma and a contraceptive injection that can also cause osteoporosis, so the Doctors decided that I should have a scan to be on the safe side.
The appointment was at 9am, and the plan was to drive up there, have Mr LLL take the Pugs for a walk in a lovely nearby park and then head home.
Unfortunately being a non commuter I seriously underestimated the horrific traffic at 8am and after arriving at my appointment with minutes to spare it became obvious that heading to the park would involve another half an hour in a traffic queue, so instead the Pugs got a very unsatisfying walk in a close-by recreation ground full of speeding bikes.
I, however, got to look super fly in a hospital gown, and have a nice relaxing lay down on a bed with my legs up. I am yet to learn about the state of my bones, but I am eating a lot of cheese just in case.

Nearly Fell Over
After my bone scan I walked round to the car park to meet Mr LLL and the Pugs.
I slipped on a patch of mud and did a hugely dramatic sideways arm flailing skid that would definitely have seen someone with worse balance than me flat on the floor.
Mr LLL did not see the skid and I am cross because I feel that he is underestimating its dramatic severity.
There was a taxi driver that saw it though, so I expect he’s still telling everyone about how dramatic it was.
I did briefly ponder, as I was skidding across the car park, how ironic it would be if I broke my first ever bone in the car park of the hospital after having a bone density scan.
Went for a Consolation Breakfast
By 9:45 the traffic had gone, so the Pugs got a bonus walk in the park they were supposed to go to, and we got a bonus consolation breakfast to make up for the stressful morning.
I won’t show you a picture of the food, instead have a picture of Peppa and Waldo staring hopefully at the counter in case someone bought them food.

Drank More Cocktails
Oh my God I’m sorry, on Thursday there were more cocktails. I also returned my Pushing Ahead Norfolk cycle loan bike to the shop, so I shall be reviewing my experience with the scheme next week.
But mostly it was cocktails, sorry.

Drank Alcohol-Free Beer
Just for a change of pace.
You can tell I’m all cocktailed out because I bought an entire case of alcohol-free beer, so that should keep me going till the beer festival at the end of the month.

Went Out for Lunch
To round off a busy week, on Saturday we treated ourselves to lunch at vegan restaurant that we’ve been meaning to visit for 2 years and never quite got around to called the Tipsy Vegan.
I had a delicious seitan buttermilk burger.

Oh, and they were part of Cocktail Week, so there might have been cocktails too. Sorry.

And that was a cocktail fuelled week in my life. Next week is about alcohol-free beer and getting back to the gym.
How was your week?