Hi there! How’s things?
This week I had PLANZ. They had a Z and capitals so they were very important. Then I got sent some unexpected work from a client and did none of them, which is why there’s been no blog post for a week or so apart from these fascinating weekly updates into my astonishingly glamorous life (this week I went to a Wetherspoons, I know, right?). That means this week goes Dull, Dull, Fun day, Dull, Dull, Dull, but let’s do this anyway.
Today’s plans don’t involve capitals or a Z, but they do involve a couple of gym clients and a 10k for International Women’s Day as one of my #12in12 challenges and a talk about ghost hunting, so pretty exciting I guess.
But first, this week I….
Struggled with stairs
All week. Srsly.
While I was training heavily for the Half Marathon I put a lot of heavy lower body weight training on hold. I was really out of shape for running and it was just too much all at once.
This means that last week I went back to squats, woo hoo! I started at 40kg, about 50% of my max, tried to go up to 50kg and my legs cramped up so I stopped.
This week I thought would be better. I did 5 x 5 at 45kg. They felt ok. Tuesday to THURSDAY I could barely walk downstairs. That’s 3 day DOMS.
Hopefully my muscles will readapt to the idea of weights soon.
Have a photo of some wobbly single leg squats with no weights because I didn’t photograph the weights ones.

Side note, those leggings have had one of my previous blog posts banned from Google Ads for adult content, I think their algorithm thought I wasn’t wearing any pants.
Had my feet measured

On Wednesday I was invited by Hotter Shoes to try out their new Hi-Tech foot measuring device and pick out a free pair of shoes as a thank you.
I can confirm that creating a 3D rotating image of your feet and finding out that your left foot is 3mm bigger than your right is exactly as fun as it sounds. (To me that’s super fun, if you don’t think so, you are wrong).
Then I ummed and ahhed over leopard print trainers or rose gold summer wedges, before opting for the wedges because I don’t have any summer shoes I can actually walk in.
They look awful with black tights, give it a few weeks to warm up and I’ll show you them properly!

Had a Glamorous solo lunch
Post shoe shopping I treated myself to lunch.
It was a wrap in Wetherspoons. Could probably have been more glamorous if I’m honest.

Went to the Cinema
These last 3 things were all on one day. I could have combined them all into one little section, maybe called “Had a Lovely Day”, but if I did that I would have nothing else to write about.
We saw Harley Quinn with some free tickets that expired at the end of March.
I loved it. It really hit me how rarely you see films with that many female lead characters. It made me very happy.
Got a new watch

It’s a Garmin Vivoactive 3. For ages I’ve been thinking I would love to have an actual running watch with built in GPS again. I’ve been using Fitbit for years, but Mr LLL got a Garmin for Christmas and it looks pretty fancy.
Then last week I accidentally bid on one last minute. I expected to get outbid immediately but I did not. I could not afford it. I totally love it though.
I am now selling my Fitbit Versa (plus a few vintage bits!) on eBay to pay for it. I loved the Versa, so if you’ve fancied one here is your chance to get one cheap! #endofsalespitch
Qualified for the Running World Cup
Yep, I’m an international level athlete now.
Actually you only need to be able to run 3k in 30 minutes and you have till Thursday next week to qualify.
It’s fun. Everyone running for a country’s miles are added together and put through a fancy algorithm to put them through to the next stage.
And that was another week in my life.
How was your week?
OO that Garmin watch is gorgeous!
Great work keep it up.