Niggle. It’s a brilliant word.
It feels kinda nice to say, but it’s not such a nice thing to actually have. Niggle means to “Cause slight but persistent annoyance, discomfort, or anxiety”.
Todays post is about Niggles, as Triumph are currently on a mission to fix one of women’s top daily niggle.
Apparently Bras digging in, men leaving the toilet seat up and not being able to find things in your handbag are among the top annoying ‘niggles’ that women face. Personally I’m not bothered by left up toilet seats, as long as it’s consistent and I don’t inadvertently fall down the toilet because there’s no seat, and I don’t expect anyone but me to be responsible for the fact that I can’t find anything in my handbag because it’s hidden under a layer of old receipts and lipsticks.
Bra wires, however, are stupidly uncomfortable, and it’s one of the reasons I love the no wired Triumph Doreen. I’m forever attempting to subtly readjust them in public, and I suspect failing miserably. Triumph claim to have fixed this. I was invited to the launch event where I think I would have been fitted for a bra to try, but the train fare to London was unfortunately a little too steep for me to consider for a free bra. Consequently I’m afraid at this exact moment I can’t tell you whether it actually does what it promises, however I am really intrigued to check it out, so I’ll need to pop down to my local department store to find one!
I hope it’s sparkly like the picture.
The cure for this particular niggle is apparently using a silicone band to replace the wire. Why did no one think of this before?
They’ve got a little You Tube Video which features some of womens top niggles, and some footage of the bra being all bendy and non wirey.
I thought it might make a change to have a post this week that WASN’T about cocktails. Don’t worry cocktail fans, I will be back next week with my Cocktail Week highlights, but today I thought that I would share some of my own, personal, top niggles, apart from stupid bra straps!
Slow Public Wi Fi
Especially if I’ve paid for it. Waiting for 20 minutes for a picture to upload drives me crazy and even worse, Wi Fi that drops out just at a vital moment like as you press save on a post you’ve been working on all afternoon.
People who stop in doorways or at the end of supermarket aisles.
Why, oh why have I never in my life been able to find an eyeliner that stays where I put it? Even if I only put it on my top lids within a couple of hours it’ll be under my eyes making me look like I’m at the end of a long, gin fuelled, night out when in reality I’ve just walked to the bus stop.
Missing deliveries
How do they know the only 20 minutes of the day I have gone to the shop? I still believe they wait around the corner and nip round when they see me leave.
Now, I’m not promising Triumph will be able to fix all your non bra related niggles, but if you tweet them @TriumphUK #nigglefix maybe they’ll have a go!
Visit the website to find out more about Triumph Nigglefix
Triumph #Nigglefix: Niggle. It’s a brilliant word. It feels kinda nice to say, but it’s not such a nice thing …
Triumph #Nigglefix: Niggle. It’s a brilliant word. It feels kinda nice to say, but it’s not such a nice thing …
Definitely the eyeliner one! Mine always sticks to my lids, like a 2nd set of eyebrows.
Cathy S’Carey liked this on Facebook.
Oh people who stop right at the top of the escalator so you trip over them argh!
On a side note, have you tried Bobbi Brown gel liner? Does not budge! Just make sure you always use a primer and shadow with your liners but I’m sure you do already! Xx
Those delivery people – you don’t just miss them, sometimes they sneakily post the ‘while you were out’ card through your door when you were THERE. This has happened to me at least twice. And I hate wi-fi that says it’s free and then you click on it and absolutely nothing happens. Not even a log-in screen that then doesn’t work. Nothing. If Triumph fix the bra thing, we’ll all have to bow down to them… but I’m sceptical. Why hasn’t anyone thought of it before, indeed? Is that because silicone isn’t actually any good in a support role? It’s the stuff they put *in* your chest, after all!
so amazing
Maggie D.
Maggie Dallospedale Fashion diary – Fashion Blog
@Retrochick_uk that’s very painful! Hate when that happens. Btw, I’ve sent you an email just now X
Totally enjoyed reading your post!
especially the eye liner part, same case with me!!