#Janathon Day 31 – The End (WHEEEEE!)

Ok guys, if you ever see me make a stupid suggestion like “Hey, lets try and earn 500 fitness points on my TomTom watch every day” in the future. Tell me to stop.

I picked that as my goal because TomTom counts 500 points as “improving” and that’s what I wanted, to improve my cardio fitness. However, that also meant that as it improved it took longer and longer to earn the blooming points and the last couple of weeks have been HARD WORK, like srsly.

However, I made it! This morning I went to the gym. I did some kettlebell swings with a 20kg kettlebell, skipping, deadlifts at 75kg, split squats at 45kg, dumbell bench press with 14kg dumbells, hamstring curls, single leg Romanian deadlifts on a bosu ball, tricep dips and press ups, and my watch begrudgingly granted me 160 points.


I didn’t even attempt the brisk walk home strategy, and instead did 5 minutes on the best rowing machines we had at our gym and 5 on the cross trainer. 5 of each because cardio machines are SO BORING.

Janathon has definitely improved my cardio. It’s a lot harder to raise my heart rate now, which is great.

I missed those 500 points on 3 days. One when I was bedridden with food poisoning, and the day after when a long walk had to suffice as I was still pretty ill, then again on the 21st when I injured my hamstring.

Still, not too shabby I think! Here’s todays final points haul.

I am, however, looking forward to being able to take rest days again as I’m REALLY tired. Like REALLY.

Having said that, I do plan to keep the cardio up. Maybe keep those cardio machines (ugh) at the end of gym sessions to make sure I hit 500 points on days when I’m at the gym, and heading out for a short run, even if I don’t have time for a longer one. It seems every little really does help.

I am unoffcially decided that February is now #Flexuary as the next thing I need to sort out is my truly appalling flexibility. Aim, 20 minutes of stretches a day. I promise not to bore you with daily blog posts about it though.

Janathon, out.



6 replies on “#Janathon Day 31 – The End (WHEEEEE!)”
  1. says: Angie

    Congrats! I loved all of these posts, and you were such an inspiration for me this month. My goal for January was to run more than the 10 miles I ran in January 2017. I’m ending the month with 22 miles! You are directly responsible for several of those miles when seeing your Janathon update got me off the couch and out the door.

  2. says: Rebecca

    Congratulations! Fantastic to see that the hard work paid off. I did 30 days of yoga in January, and whilst I’m not actually sure I’m any better at the end of it (still toppling over in poses, eek!) I do generally feel better. In February a group of friends and I have teamed up for what we’re calling Feel Good February to encourage each other to take 20 minutes a day to do something that fills us with happiness, to increase our endorphins and help our immune systems. We’re teaming up together to help remind each other to do it and to take the “me” time we are all guilty of putting off. Maybe I can add some “Flexuary” in with my yoga too!

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