Dear Diary

This Week I…


Hi there Sunday people! How are you? The fatigue has hit strong this week, but I am determined to beat it, so I’ve been…

This week I…


For the 2 or 3 of you that thought “hmmm, I wonder what Gems been up to this week?” I’m very sorry I missed…

This week I……


Hi! We made it to Sunday, so I hope you’re doing something nice to reward yourself. Personally I am now on Sunday afternoon sofa…

This week I…


Well, hey! How’s things? I hope you’re managing to stay cool? I am living in the bedroom, aka “the icebox” where the air con…

This Week I……


Well, it was a bit of a week if I’m honest. This whole cancer thing is a learning process, and I’m figuring out how…

This Week I……


Hi! Happy Sunday! I’m currently lounging on the sofa in my sassy new pyjamas waiting for the final of the Womens Euros to start….

This Week I…


Hello! Happy Sunday chickadees! So far I’ve haf pancakes for breakfast, done some nice gentle yoga, and now I am awaiting ice cream to…

This Week I …


Hi! Happy disgustingly hot Sunday! I saw an insta post the other day that suggested the reason I might hate summer is because of…