Hi! Happy disgustingly hot Sunday! I saw an insta post the other day that suggested the reason I might hate summer is because of body image issues, but I can confirm it’s definitely because it’s hot and full of bugs.
So this week was supposed to be eventful, but then all my events were cancelled.
So instead this week I…..
Received a mystery mug

It made me giggle, but there was no note with it so I was bemused.
Turns out apparently Peppa and Waldo bought it for me all on their own. Though I think they may have had some assistance from Mr Gem.
Got over excited about dinosaurs

Rarrrr! I bloody love Jurassic Park, and Jurassic World, and basically all dinosaur movies.
So this week, on the absurdly hot and muggy day that was Tuesday, we went to the cinema to see Jurassic World:Dominion.
Mr Gem had seen reviews that said it was rubbish, and even that there weren’t many dinosaurs in it. I don’t know what film that reviewer watched because it was a) Blummin’ brilliant and b) jam packed full of dinosaurs.
Seriously, if you are not a Jurassic Park fan, it’s probably not for you, but if you love it then it’s an awesome film, with fun references to earlier films, excitement, a plot, and many, many dinosaurs.
I was very over excited on the walk home, which was good because the adrenalin kept me moving when it was crazy hot.
Did not have a visit from my Parents
At the end of this week my Parents were supposed to visit. But they went on a cruise of the Norwegian Fjords the week before and tested positive for Covid when they got back so couldn’t come and breathe on me.
I was disappointed. Suddenly fun days off were boring work days again.
Then Timehop reminded me that 10 years ago we picked up the keys to our house and ate fish and chips on the floor.

So we decided that should be celebrated, bought a bottle of champagne and some fish and chips and ate it off of a table. Because we have furniture now. Though to be honest the dining table only appeared in the last 4 years and the dining room being decorated and not being a total tip happened around the end of 2019 I think. So it was touch and go that we would have a table to eat off really.
Lost my tiny mind
Is it the weather? Is it chemo? I don’t know, but this week I felt absurdly frazzled. I went for a swim, and when I got changed to leave I felt like I was missing something, and then realised I’d ridden my bike down and forgotten to put my helmet on.
The next day I went to Pilates, I remembered my helmet, but when I came out of the gym I couldn’t find the key for my bike lock. But it’s ok, it turned up, in the keyhole of my bike lock. I think it kind of defeats the purpose of carefully locking your bike to a rack if you’re going to leave the key with it.
So I left the Pugs downstairs with Mr Gem and went to bed early to eat half a packet of Toffifee and listen to some plinky plonky music, and the next day I felt much better.
Had my bones strengthened

It’s that time of the month where I have to go into the hospital and have an infusion of Zometa, a drug that helps keep your bones strong so they don’t randomly collapse again.
It’s a 15 minute infusion, so normally I’m out in half an hour but for some reason I ended up in there an hour this week and the Pugs dinner was late, which they were unimpressed about.
Drank Cocktails

And because we had an annoying Friday afternoon of hospitals and delays, we went out for pizza and cocktails. I like to give myself something nice to do after hospital appointments, and this week it was cocktails.
Then we had a Zoom in the garden with my parents who by now did not have Covid anymore. I’m not sure why I’m pulling that stupid face, but it is what it is.

Did not run or walk a 10k
This morning I should have been doing Run Norwich. I’ve done it every year since it started and I’m not going to let a pesky collapsed spine stop me.
I knew I was going to have to walk and it would take around 2 hours, and the weather forecast was making me a little nervous that I’d just get heat stroke and collapse.
Thankfully there are some sensible people at Run Norwich and the race was postponed.
Some friends of ours were visiting to actually run the race. So instead we just had a lovely Saturday where we had a delicious lunch and drank an ill-advised amount of beer then ate a takeaway in the garden.

It was a really lovely day, and I’m very glad it didn’t have to spend 2 hours outside this morning. By October I might even be able to run it!
Was in the paper
I knew this in advance, then completely forgot. So Mr Gem has just been running around in the sun to buy some copies of the EDP as there is a 4-page interview with me in the weekend supplement.
I didn’t think I was even slightly interesting enough for someone else to write 4 pages about, but apparently I am and I’ve had a lovely message from someone who read it on Instagram so the journalist, Stacia, must have done an excellent job.

And that, my dearest chickadees, is the story of another week in my life.
I hope you had a lovely week. Stay safe in the heat over the next few days, put a wet flannel on your neck, drink plenty of water and stay out of the sun!
We’ll make up for having to postpone our visit xx
The fish and chips you had 10 years ago has turned into a sausage ( or saveloy). I have some dinosaurs on the kitchen window sill, would you like one. Xxx