Hello! Happy Sunday chickadees! So far I’ve haf pancakes for breakfast, done some nice gentle yoga, and now I am awaiting ice cream to arrive at the tent. I’m at ”Cancer Camp” organised by Shine Cancer Support which is a great young adult cancer charity who’ve been a great support.
Soon we need to pack up the tent as we are heading off to visit a friend for a couple of days. but first, this week I…
Did Not Buy a New Door

Our old front door was boring white uPvc, the paint was peeling off the handle.
Maybe we could buy a new front door, we thought. Before discovering that even a new composite door was likely to run into the thousands and resigning ourselves to live with the horrible door.
Then I discovered you could paint uPvc, so, because I am impatient, on the hottest day not just of the year but all of history I painted a door.
I thought it would be ok at 7:30am. It was not ok.
I also changed the handle and letterbox and now our door is much nicer for under £100.
Pretended it was the apocalypse
of course, it didn’t take much pretending as it actually is the apocalypse. on Monday and Tuesday when the weather was so repulsively hot the Pugs and I moved into the bedroom where we snuggled with the air con unit we bought a couple of years ago. If I had to leave the room I treated it like a supply run during a Zombie apocalypse. Get out, get the goods, get back.
Since I started treatment last year I’ve had a lot of problems regulating my temperature. Is it chemo, hormones, or drug side effects? Who knows, maybe all 3. All I know is summer sucks and I love our air con.
Got over excited in Go Outdoors

It started with the realisation that we had been using an old memory foam mattress topper to sleep on while camping which had finally disintegrated. So we needed a new camping mattress and with my wonky back it needed to be vaguely decent.
It ended with us doing a trolley dash around Go Outdoors and ending up with a new tent, a table/cupboard, electric hook up and a doible camping chair (for the dogs).
Now we need to go camping a lot.
Rescued my bike from a Triffid

Honestly, its only been a week since I used it, but when I attempted to go to Pilates on Thursday I had to rescue it from the crazy grape vine in our garden that was trying to claim it for itself.
Did not have Covid
This weekend we are at Shine Camp down in Dorset. It’s a cancer support charity, and the weekend is organised as a sort of getaway, theres a few activities and a communal bbq, and its all heavily subsidised. With such a vulnerable group the rule is that we all have to lateral flow tests on arrival. So obviously we did one at home at 6am before we started a 250 mile trip.
Did that stop me worrying that we’d test positive and have to go home all the way down? What do you think?
Drove a really long way for pizza

Shine camp is down in Dorset, which is a long 250 miles in a car with no air conditIoning. But we made it in time to test negative for Covid, put up a tent, have a shower and eat some delicious pizza. On Saturday we were very tired so made the most of being in Dorset on the Jurassic coast by sleeping next to the tent all day, then we had a bbq and drank some wine whilst wearing my fancy new pyjamas.

And there ends another week of my life. Crawling in to sleep in our Shiny new tent.

I am tired and a little achey, but feeling quite content.
How was your week?
Love your camping set up! I have “go camping” on my summer fun list every year, but it never manages to happen.
We have to go all the time now because we have a new tent!