Hello! I hope you’re all having jolly Sundays so far?
I’ll be honest, my Sunday is slightly marred by the horrible headache and hangover anxiety that I have inflicted on myself by consuming a rather ill-advised amount of wine last night.
However, I have nothing much planned for the rest of the day other than lots of sofa snuggles with the pugs, so I guess things could be worse.
But before I do that, this week I…..
Made a Mess Cocktails
My week started very pleasantly with a trip to Chambers Cocktail Company to learn how to make some of their cocktails.
They’d invited a few local bloggers along and we were treated to some yummy lunch time pizza while we saw how our cocktail making skills stacked up against the professionals.
My first cocktail came out ok, as it happens. My second was less of a success. Maybe it was because I’d already been drinking cocktails, but I managed to break the yolk of an egg, covering myself in egg in the process of course. Then I rather too enthusiastically tried to hit the top off my cocktail shaker and threw it across the room, and then I couldn’t even pour the thing properly without spilling it all down myself. Still it tasted ok in the end!
Took Peppa to the Vet
In less cheerful news, on Monday evening I walked the Pugs on my own because Mr LLL was cooking food for a soup run.
There were lots of annoying kids in the park who took to following me around telling me how much they loved Pugs, and they were going to have a house full of Pugs when they grew up, and they had 2 cats at the moment but their friend only had one, and did I know if the corner shop sold anything for 6p?
While I was distracted Peppa wandered off and started snuffling in some leaves, and obviously found something she liked the look of as I suddenly noticed she was eating something. I told her to leave it, and she trotted back over to me and we finished our walk and went home. About an hour later she went nuts, running around the house and play fighting with Waldo. Then she was sick. I thought she may have just got over excited, but I kept an eye on her and started to notice her acting oddly. A little like she was drunk. When she stood still she would start to sway, and her tail would droop. She started to be twitchy, jumping if you went to stroke her.
Worried, we called the night vets, and took her in to be checked over. The vet said it was possible she’s eaten an opioid at the park (which we know is sometimes frequented by drug addicts) and we had to leave her overnight on a drip.
I, obviously, dealt with it like an absolute trooper by bawling my eyes out. Thankfully the following morning she was back to her old self, just with the addition of a tiny bandage and a cannula. We have to take her back next week to have her bloods checked again, but so far all seems to be well.
I am considering this my punishment for that time I thought “I wonder if we really NEED this expensive Pet Insurance?”
Did My First Pilates Class
It’s harder than it looks.
A friend of mine is a Pilates instructor, and just started running Pilates classes that are not only conveniently close to where I live, but also, will wonders never cease, at a time and day that I can actually do.
So I signed up, and I went to my first class, and apparently there’s loads of little tiny muscles that I’ve been accidentally completely neglecting at the gym.
The class was great and I am fully confident that I will soon have amazing posture and become a graceful person.
Signed up for some more debt
For some time I’d been considering taking a Personal Trainer course, but they can be very expensive, and I’m not really in a position to fund it.
Then I learned about Advanced Learner Loans. I always thought that because I’d already received a Student Loan many years ago I wasn’t able to get more funding, but apparently this is not the case.
So, this week I took the plunge and signed up for a Personal Trainer diploma with Study Active. This is quite exciting. If all goes according to plan by the start of 2019 I should be a qualified Personal Trainer.
Discovered I have irregular arteries
Next, in the ongoing saga that started with my BUPA health assessment at the start of the year, this week I got a letter telling me that the horrible MRI I had showed that I had “irregularities” in the arteries going to my kidneys. I have therefore now been referred to a kidney specialist who apparently might want to do an angiogram.
I think I want an angiogram slightly less than I wanted an MRI. At least an MRI just involved laying still, angiograms involve people sticking things in your arteries and not being able to do any exercise for a week.
I have an appointment at the start of August when I will find out more. I’m hoping that the kidney specialist will say “Oh that’s silly, your kidney arteries are perfect as they are and there’s no need to stick anything in them.” We can hope….
Saw a Kingfisher
I tried to take a photo, as you can see it came out BRILLIANTLY.
You might not be able to tell it was a Kingfisher, but it was and I was very excited.
Drank an ill-advised amount of wine
Finally, having had a bit of a stressful and eventful week, I thought I fancied going out for a drink last night.
We started with a civilised cocktail at Chambers Cocktail Company again, then drank a lot more wine than I should have, followed by some more wine that I definitely shouldn’t have.
Then our neighbour told us off for having our TV too loud, and now I have to move house again, like I did that time that my neighbour saw me taking photos of myself in a corset at 10am on a Monday. Basically any interaction with my neighbours apart from taking in a parcel means I start browing Right Move.
Anyway, I enjoyed the wine last night. I’m less keen on it today, so if you don’t mind I’ll just head off and curl up on the sofa and feel sorry for myself.
How was your week?
Before you take any notice of your neighbour, can I suggest you find out if she owns any of the cats that have come into your house with their life threatening dander whenever they feel like it. If she does you will know how to deal with future complaints.
Ha ha! The cat came in again yesterday morning, we caught him at the top of the stairs! We know where it lives, it’s not next doors!
Aw poor Peppa! I’ve been there, I have a Beagle and she would happily risk death to eat most things, the worst one being a chicken satay skewer (yes, including the skewer!) which resulted in a long night at the emergency vets and me crying like a baby. She was fine though! Hope Peppa is feeling better!
Oh no! Peppa will eat anything not nailed down! She’s getting better at leaving things when told, but she’s very stubborn, so only if it suits her!