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Dear Diary

Things I Tried in April

Well, we’re a week into May already, can you believe it?! April was a great, but busy month. I ran the Trowse 10k on Easter Sunday and played in 3 Roller Derby games. I wrote about Eastern Sur5al at the time as it was a public game, but the other 2 were closed door games

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Travel & Events

Retro Chick Gets Radar

From where I’m sitting it looks like we’re going to have a May full of all those April showers we should have had in, er, April. Bank Holiday Monday, however, was absolutely glorious for once and so we made the most of it and headed out to the country to the Radar Museum in Neatishead.

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Dear Diary

Snapshots of April

May is the best month of the year. Well, one of the best months of the year anyway. There are lots of excellent months, but only one of them contains my birthday (that’s May in case you were wondering). But before I dive forward into a month of cake, cocktails and, er, obstacle races (gulp!)

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Fashion & Beauty

Flamingos and Pink

I knew I was pushing my luck with this sunshine thing. A bank holiday approaches and after a couple of weeks of glorious weather today it’s all grey and drizzly and very, very British out there. Still, thankfully I took photos of my outfit in the sunshine 2 days ago so we can all spend

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Dear Diary

3 Decisions that Changed my Life

Today I’ve come over all introspective. Over the weekend, while drinking sophisticated cocktails with friends and suddenly noticing the bruises from that days Roller Derby scrim starting to bloom on my arms I started to ponder those decisions that you make in your life that change who you are. Then I stopped and carried on

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Fashion & Beauty

Ga Ga for Gingham

Look, now I have decent WiFi again I can post about the really important things in life. Like Gingham. I have a soft spot for Gingham. I’m still having nightmares over the pair of Gingham stilettos I didn’t buy in TK Maxx 2 years ago. Sob. Less twee than polka dots it still has that

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Fashion & Beauty

How to Wear a Crop Top

Gasp! Two outfit posts in a row! I almost never do that! Well, the fact is that I had planned to write something else for today, probably something deep and meaningful about shoes, or possibly spring jackets. I am, however, in a hotel with the suckiest WiFi in the world. It is WiFi so sucky

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Fashion & Beauty

Making the Most of the Sunshine

So at the moment I’m mostly pretending I’m on holiday. The sun is shining, and I totally plan to make the most of it while it lasts. Yesterday we planned a lovely afternoon going for a run in the country, stopping for a picnic lunch and then walking back to the car. The weather obviously

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Cocktails Food & Drink

Something for the Weekend: Prosecco Passion

A few weeks ago I worked on a Spring Cocktail campaign for Waitrose Cellar. I designed a Prosecco cocktail for all those special occasions that pop up in Spring that was published in their Waitrose Weekend magazine. It was a hard job creating it. I had to go shopping in Waitrose with vouchers for cocktail

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