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Fashion & Beauty

10 (Almost) Classy Christmas Jumpers

Christmas is 30 days away. Some years I’m already on my fiftieth Egg Nog Latte and Christmas Sandwich by now, where as others I’m in denial about the pending festivities. This year is a denial year. There’s been so much else to think about and do that I can’t quite get myself in the festive

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Fashion & Beauty

Outfit Post: Cat & Mouse

First off, don’t worry, I was wearing a coat. My lovely green Heyday Fifth Avenue coat in fact, but all my outfit posts between November and March can’t be “me in a coat” so I suffered for my art and stood outside with bare arms for long enough to snap a few photos. I was

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Dear Diary

This Week I

Another week over, and as you read this I will be in Luton with the Norfolk Brawds. We finished top of Tier 4 SE in the Roller Derby British Championships, which means we have a chance of being promoted to Tier 3, we just need to win today, so I’m sure I’ll tell you how

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Fashion & Beauty

Sponsor Spotlight: How to Make High Heels More Comfortable

When I was in my 20s I used to wear heels all the time. I would walk miles into town on a Friday night to go to the pub in the most ridiculous of heels and scoffed at dire warnings that I’d suffer for it later. Of course, the dire warnings were correct, and these

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Fashion & Beauty

Why You Need a Foam Roller

So about 2 years ago I bought myself a super cheap foam roller on eBay and totally fell in love with it. Mr Chick hates it and refuses to use it, because it hurts, but I think it’s a GOOD pain and without my foam roller I’d probably be incapable of moving most days. For

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Fashion & Beauty

Review – Seventeen Define and Conquer Contour Kit

The way everyone talks about it you’d think contouring had only just been invented. In reality, of course magazines have been advising you to use darker shades under your cheekbones and highlighter on top for a gazillion billion years. What does seem to be fairly new, at least to the average consumer, is this extreme

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Fashion & Beauty

Glamorous Places & Charity Shop Frocks

If you follow me on Instagram or Facebook, or indeed read yesterdays post then you’ll know our 10 year wedding anniversary was last week. To celebrate we booked an overnight stay in the same local hotel where we had our wedding reception, the Maids Head Hotel. It’s funny staying overnight somewhere you can walk to

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Dear Diary

This Week I…….

Another week in my life that was largely, but not entirely, spent working from my sofa in pyjamas or gym kit. Not entirely, because there were 2 things this week that were particularly eventful and noteworthy for me. The first of them is very sad, because this week I…. Caught a bus on my own

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Fashion & Beauty

10 Cool Advent Calendars for Grown Ups 2015

It’s way early to be talking too much about Christmas yet. Give it a week at least, right? But Advent Calendars aren’t technically Christmas, you need to be prepared for the 1st December with those, so this post is absolutely fine. Totally. Every year I write one of these in the hope that someone will

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