#Juneathon Day 18 – Sweaty Skate
bySoo, obviously I started my day with Yoga, then I did more Yoga before Roller Derby practice, then I went to Roller Derby practice…
Soo, obviously I started my day with Yoga, then I did more Yoga before Roller Derby practice, then I went to Roller Derby practice…
Not literally, that would be gross. I started today with the now traditional “ouch I’ve laid still all night better do some” yoga, and…
I was REALLY keen to get back to doing some proper resistance exercise today, like really keen. I swear I can actually feel myself…
I’m hiccing now, but I was not at all hiccy when I got up this morning. I’ll be honest I had an appalling night….
Bonus question. Do you know where todays’ Blog title came from?* Hint: It’s a song, in a film. Anyway, today I am totally not…
After yesterdays exertions (oh yes, in yesterdays tipsy post I failed to mention my new PB of 28.5 laps in 5 minutes at Roller…
Yeah, I should have taken proper photos and posted this earlier, but I didn’t. I woke up stiff, but feeling a lot better, so…
I WENT FOR A RUN! I made it through 3 hours of Roller Derby last night, and my back only started to get painful…
Look at me! I’m standing upright! That’s right, after nearly a full week of being bent double I can stand up right today! Woo…