Retro Chick Designs a Frock

Yesterday I said I had exciting frock news coming up, well this is it!

I designed some dresses!

As you can see my drawing and design skills are a massive loss to the world when I decided to focus on writing instead, but I hope you can get the idea.

All we want you to do is vote on which style is your favourite, and Lady K Loves has agreed to make a very limited edition run of which ever is the winner! We’ll pick out appropriate fabrics, and visit a huge warehouse full of vintage trimmings to find buttons and buckles to make each dress beautiful and unique.

I’ll show you each dress, and the bottom of the screen you’ll find a poll to vote on your favourite!

Dress 1

Ideal for walks on the beach and eating ice cream with a handsome young chap in tow.

A cotton dress with a double collar trimmed in rick rack. The bodice is fitted with a back zip, a slim A line skirt and self fabric belt with a vintage buckle.

I thought something like a pale green striped cotton with green rick rack would be nice and fresh for Summer, plus, I like green!

Dress 2

Wear it to meet your dashing new beau for a casual lunch date. The kind of dress that takes you effortlessly from work to play.

A smart day dress with a cross over collar, trimmed with a vintage button, and puff sleeves with a contrast trim and a slim fitting straight skirt. Probably in a cotton or rayon type fabric, so it can be worn every day.

Dress 3

Perfect for picnics by the river and romantic early evening summer strolls by the lake.

Based on a dress I have in checks (I wore it to the South Bank Centre!) A fitted bodice that fastens up the front with vintage buttons and an open collar. Side zip fastening and a nipped in waist with a full skirt. Ideal for wearing with a petticoat for extra drama.

Now, the important bit! Which one is your favourite?

Remember Lady K Loves will be making a limited run of these for the Summer, plus I’ll get one to prance about in for photos to show you what it looks like, so chose wisely! (P.S. You can get 15% off at Lady K Loves with the code retrochick_15)

[poll id="3" type="result"]



34 responses to “Retro Chick Designs a Frock”

  1. I vote for number one! The collar detailing and ric-rac cinches it for me- they are all super, though.

  2. We’re really excited and want all of them! Trying very hard to resist the temptation to vote, but can’t wait to see what the out come is.

    Happy voting everyone!

  3. Nathachia avatar

    I think your design are very superbe and make one feels like DATING!!! I love dress number one best and the collar is really chick! Nice piece of work.

  4. I think the second one looks much like your stop staring dress that you posted the other week

  5. I like no 1 and have voted accordingly!

  6. Miss Ruby Demuir, Photographer to the Starlets x avatar
    Miss Ruby Demuir, Photographer to the Starlets x

    No, No, NO! It must be Dress 2, the navy. It is deliciously smart and a just a tad sassy x

  7. Ooh… that collar! The ric-rac! It has to be number one ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. Penny Dreadful Vintage avatar
    Penny Dreadful Vintage

    I love both 1 and 2, but after lots of umming and ahhing went for 2. Purely for personal reasons, as I worry the collar on 1 might emphasise my builders shoulders ๐Ÿ˜‰

  9. number one! how exciting!

  10. Jo Bryan avatar
    Jo Bryan

    I love all of them but had to go with the Navy one as it looks so flattering, would love it in Bottle Gree too. Fab designs you clever thing.

  11. Melanie avatar

    Ooh, they’re all lovely. I voted for #3 as I love the fabric and the style is a little more versatile, but #1 is also fab. (#2.. I’d wear it if I could, but don’t think puff sleeves and bow details work well with boobs!)

  12. Fi Phillips avatar
    Fi Phillips

    I like no. 3 the best thinking completely of what would suit my own figure and have voted accordingly.

    Look forward to seeing the results.

  13. Julia avatar

    I was torn between 2 and 3, but I figured I would get more wear out of number 2 when I buy it ๐Ÿ˜‰

    All lovely though – hidden talent!!

  14. Oooh how exciting! I like 2 and 3 best. I would probably be more inclined to wear and buy 2 as I’m not a fan of green on me. Were 2 in red or blue then I would be more interested in that one for summer – it’s perfect for punting on a lake in a straw boater.

    Lovely designs. Well done. Can’t wait to see the finished thing. Lottie -x-

  15. They are all gorgeous! I’m really torn between two and three, and would buy both if I could. I love two because it has little sleeves, which would be perfect for me, and I’d feel very ladylike in it. But the shape and print of three make me think of lovely summer days, and wearing it to a good old fashioned picnic, sipping Pimms and playing rounders! I think I’ll vote for three.

    Mel xx

  16. I voted for the floral one…I have a thing for flower prints so it had to be that one! this is a fantastic project ๐Ÿ™‚

  17. Oh they are all so pretty, I love the whimsical ‘sunny summers day’look of No.1, the chic classiness of number 2 and the fact its in navy (I seem to have a lot of dresses in navy!) and i’m always a massive fan of the cinched waist and florals of the 50’s….ohhh so many decisions!

    I think I will go for….oooh…ummm….NUMBER 2!! Love the colour, love the detailing and think it will give someone (probably slightly slinkier than me! :p) a killer figure! ๐Ÿ™‚

  18. Sarah avatar

    Definitely number 2. The contrasting is lovely. It’s transseasonal and so flattering for us curvy ladies (who don’t always want to show too much upper arm) ๐Ÿ™‚

  19. Number 3 as I am a sucker for beautiful fabrics then number 2! Nice work :0)

  20. #3 is my ABSOLUTE favorite. I love dresses that button down the front, and you can never go wrong with a nipped waist and full skirt. ::lust:: ๐Ÿ™‚

  21. Number 2 – its a classic!

  22. Wendy avatar

    I couldnt actually wear any of them but I wish I could wear number 3 the most so have voted for that. Theyre all lovely though.

  23. Lady Cherry avatar
    Lady Cherry

    I do like No 3 but on account of my ham hocks I am going to go for No2. I need it. Please make it soon. xx

  24. Steph (@mrs_sock) avatar
    Steph (@mrs_sock)

    They’re all lovely designs but I prefer the classic look of no 2. I like no 3 but not keen on florals. Everyone else can pull them off but I look like like someone vomited Laura Ashley at me. And I can.t wait to see the winner for sale! Well done!

  25. It’s definitely #1 for me.i love green too and think it would be great for a picnic on the river!

  26. 2 would be SO cute with a bias cut skirt on it!

  27. They’re all beautiful and I’d love to wear any of them, but my favorite is the second one. I love the pretty navy color and nautical vibe it gives off. Plus the collar is adorable. Great designs!

    – Jamie Rose

  28. Rebecca avatar

    I vote number 1, because it will go with my green spotty shoes that I’ve never worn because they don’t go with anything! I like the others too though.

  29. I seriously cannot choose, they are all sooo pretty!

  30. Mitzi De Monique avatar
    Mitzi De Monique

    I just love number 3, it has a timeless quality about it, number 2 is nice but I dont think it would suit my figure as a busty gal ๐Ÿ˜‰

  31. I voted for no 3 (although I think all are gorgeous) as I have a 30th reunion coming up from school and think this would be the perfect dress to wear. It is also flattering for boobs and hides a multitude of sins in the bum, hips and thigh area which has got to be a major plus ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Also as someone going thru chemo for breast cancer at the moment the floral print would lift anyone’s spirits – so vote for No 3!!!!

  32. Betty Flowers avatar
    Betty Flowers

    This is all very exciting! Lovley designs … LOVE number 1! Can’t wait to see the real thing xxxxxx These would all look perfect with one of my hair flowers xxx

  33. Heavenlyink avatar

    Tried to vote but the thingermejig wouldn’t let me! :0(

    I’m torn between the floral & the green, but since the green is lagging behind(& Retrochick loves it so!) I would vote for that one. If I could. Which I can’t. But I’d like to!lol

  34. Just realised I voted but never commented – #1 is so fresh but I ended up voting for #2 as I can see myself wearing it. =]
    -Andi x