What Are You Wearing? Feeling Jaunty….

It actually snowed this weekend, but despite that the sun was shining and there was a tiny hint of spring in the air. Very cold and icy spring, but spring none the less.

So feeling a little jaunty I pulled out some navy blue polka dots that I haven’t worn for a while and teamed them with a red belt. I bought the belt as part of my New Years Eve fancy dress costume, and genuinely hadn’t expected to wear it again, but surprisingly I’ve got quite a bit of wear out of it.

Sadly the spring like feeling didn’t extend to being able to leave off tights, or wander around in short sleeves, so I dragged out my trusty black opaques and “boyfriend” cardigan (didn’t they used to just be cardigans?)

The end result was an outfit I’ve never worn before, but I like a lot. Not exciting, perhaps, but I thought it was quite cute.

Unusually for me the outfit was also entirely made up of things I actually bought from new.  Now I think about it there’s an awful lot of Primark in this outfit, but bought from new over 2 years ago it’s lasted surprisingly well.

❤Cardigan - Primark ❤ Polka Dot Top - Primark ❤ Belt - Primark ❤ Skirt - H&M ❤ Lace Up Shoes - New Look❤
14 replies on “What Are You Wearing? Feeling Jaunty….”
    1. says: Retro Chick

      I know exactly what you mean! I hate it in there, especially the queues.

      There’s a couple of things I always get from there though, boring things like pants and socks, and they do tights with a back seam for £1!

      The belt was an emergency fancy dress buy, that I actually queued for, but generally I find if I must go in Primark I try and avoid Saturdays or Sundays and it’s not too bad!

  1. says: flower mash

    I also wonder why all cardigans are now “boyfriend cardigans”.

    This outfit is very cute.

    I am all too excited because my local mall is getting the state’s first H&M.

    1. says: Retro Chick

      I have mixed feelings about H&M. Sometimes it’s great and sometimes I can’t find anything I like. I also sometimes find it even more jumble saley than Primark!

  2. says: Alice

    I love your outfit and the fact that it comes together from many pieces. The belt look great! Don’t worry, I call my blazers “boyfriend” blazers too. And the jackets as well.
    .-= Alice´s last blog ..Yellow Tights =-.

  3. says: Kristen

    i love that red belt, so glad you are working it into your daily outfits!
    .-= Kristen´s last blog ..Links A La Mode: Touch of Frivolty =-.

  4. says: Crystalbelle

    Polka dots design is famous from Miss Selfridge which I know off, it is better to wear a cardigan or sweater if you’re going outside since the weather is a bit cool now.

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