Home Fashion & Beauty What Are You Wearing? Corsetry
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What Are You Wearing? Corsetry

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Sadly I had a bit of a picture fail this weekend.

As I mentioned last week Saturday was the inaugural No Strings Boogaloo Burlesque Club Night, at the Norwich Arts Centre. I didn’t want to take out my bulky camera, and completely forgot to pick up, or even charge, my slimline, handbag friendly camera. So, thanks to the wonders of the terrible iPhone camera you will have to take my word for the fact that this is Chrys Columbine performing her rainbow act and she was very good.

Kitty Bang Bang was also excellent. In fact I probably preferred her act as she was cheekier than Chrys Columbine. No photos of that either, so just trust me.

Other things of which there are no photos include the amazing outfits on show, and the fantastic looking Hocus Pocus Theatre walkabout and Norfolk Brawds Roller Derby girls.

There are also no photos of me meeting Meghan, a blog reader who recognised me and apparently had to be goaded to talk to me by her friend Luke. I’m so glad she did as she was lovely, though I was a little flustered at being recognised from the Interweb and we didn’t stop to chat long! (If I’ve remembered any names wrong I’m sorry, there was vodka in that glass!)

Thankfully there is another of these coming up in October, so maybe I’ll actually take a camera that time?

What I CAN provide you with photos of is the fact that I can confirm I DID have the courage to leave the house in my corset.

❤ Corset - Vollers V1107 ❤ Pencil Skirt - Lady K Loves ❤ Shoes Salvador Sapena via eBay ❤
❤ Pearls - Antique Store ❤

Maybe not the best outfit photo I’ve ever taken, (in fact I’m not sure the on on my Facebook page isn’t better!) but I was in a hurry, because, as ever, I was running late. The corset is actually the top half of my wedding dress and was last worn 5 years ago, I had to add a piece of chiffon to the top as it’s a little low cut and I like to keep my nipples to myself! It take some time to get used to, and in fact I tightened it up a little after this photo was taken, thanks to some advice from Lipstick Lori to wait for the corset to warm up a little before going too tight!

I rolled my hair into a faux bob, and eschewed red lipstick in attempt to look more lady like and less scary dominatrix.

In other news. I finally got the Revlon precision eyelash glue to keep eyelashes stuck to my eyelids all night. The secret was to make sure I left the lashes to dry a little longer than usual once I’d applied the glue. So there. Precision lash glue can consider itself redeemed, and, in fact, with it’s nice thin brush it’s easier to use than the little tubes.

So, how was your weekend?

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