How About Those Resolutions?

Blimey. It’s April already….

We’re already a quarter of the way through the year. Can you believe it?

Back at the beginning of January I made 8 New Years resolutions and I thought maybe it was time to have a look and see how I’m getting on so far!

  • Spend More Money

In theory the easiest resolution to keep. But this one wasn’t about bankrupting myself, it was about spending what little money I do have on actual things, rather than bottles of wine and takeaways.

I haven’t done too badly. I’ve given my lingerie drawer a bit of a spruce up (I can highly recommend the Triumph Doreen if you’re looking for a comfortable vintage style bra that’s not *too* pointy) and I’ve invested in some things like replacing  my 8 year old TV with a loose scart socket with something that can be lifted without hiring equipment. I probably could still do better though.

  • Learn to Knit

*cough* er, well. I have a learn to knit DVD, and some needles. I even have some wool.

I put them in my suitcase and take them away with me in case I have chance to get started. Does that count?

  • Buy a Video Camera


My new DSLR has HD video capability and hopefully my first video tutorial using it will be up soon. If I get time to edit it!

  • Rediscover my Inner Princess

Hmm, can’t say I have. It started well in January, but I’ve been even busier than normal so far this year and haven’t had time to sit and have a cup of tea in fancy cups.

The busier you are, the more important I think this is.

Must try harder.

  • Cook More

I did one food post, at the end of January. See aforementioned Busyness.

Must try harder.

  • Organise Events

Yes! Yes! I’m doing this one!

My first event, A Marvellous Cocktail Party, will be in May. (Get your tickets now!). I’m also in discussions with a few people to maybe organise something else later in the year.


  • Set Proper Goals

I’ve been doing this one too. After a fashion.

I’ve launched a new website Vintage Norwich this year, and I set myself very definite goals for it’s first month, which I have hit. I think I have a way to go to be as organised as I’d like, but I’m getting there!

  • Lose Weight

*sobs uncontrollably*

No. No. No. I lost a few pounds, and knocked off a few inches by actually doing some exercise. Then my Grampy died, my Nana went into hospital and my urge to comfort eat kicked in and it all went back on in a disturbingly short space of time.

I’ve finally admitted I’m going to need a bit more help with this again and have signed up for Weight Watchers Online. The points have changed since I last did Weight Watchers back in 2007 and I’m actually finding them really easy to manage. You get a chunk of points as a weekly extra that you can spread through the week, or blow at the weekend. This made managing things like the wedding I went to this weekend far easier. They also have an excellent iPhone app.

I’m a week in and I’ve lost 5lb so far. Hopefully it shouldn’t take me long to lose the rest! I’d like to lose another stone and I’ll be happy!

How did you get on with your resolutions?


10 replies on “How About Those Resolutions?”
  1. says: Paperdoll

    Technically (if you want to be picky) this IS still the new year, as opposed to the old year. Therefore, in paperdoll world, we still have lots of time, resolutions for the commencement of!! X

  2. says: Lauren

    You lost 5lb in a week? Blimming heck. I need to get me over to WW!
    You’re doing pretty well for only being a quarter of the way through the year. I dread to think how my resolutions would come out…

  3. says: Leanne

    It’s good to see that you’ve achieved most of your goals, the year isn’t over yet though! I’m sorry to hear about your grandad and I hope your nan is doing better. Well done on losing the pounds that you felt you needed to get rid of good luck with getting to your target weight =)


  4. says: perdita

    I need to do some food posts. I’ve become terrible with my cooking. I have a 1949 GEC cookbook with ration recipes in, I may post some and see if people want to have a go! I also have some 80s plastic-fantastic-microwave-hell ones… personally I’d rather have ‘garden pie’ (veg pie with potato topping) than ‘microwave canapes’!!

  5. says: missy

    Speaking as a Lingerie expert I will have to tell you off for buying the Doreen bra!! Tut Tut! hehe xx

    Well done on the weight watchers so far. Thats brilliant, I’ve been using all my Mum’s slimming world books and idea’s had have managed to shed a stone which is good but it does mean I need to go shopping now…. oh well xx

  6. says: Penny Dreadful Vintage

    Luckily I didn’t make any 😉 I need to start exercising though. If nothing else, I can’t afford to pay anyone else to model for me so I need to keep slim enough to fit into the clothes! I’m really starting to podge up so the weight lifting shall commence soon xx

  7. says: Mim

    You can lose the weight! You will get there.

    I have managed to buy a brooch a month so far (all dead cheap, but that’s half the fun of it) and while I didn’t step up my gym attendance in January when I planned to, I’ve been exercising like a mad thing through March. That’s two I’m managing so far 🙂

  8. says: Fi Phillips

    I actually didn’t make any resolutions this year. I knew what I had to do and so far I’m sticking to that, if you see what I mean.

    Good luck with meeting all of yours.

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