Welcome to #janathon


Well, it’s been Christmas, and now it’s a whole shiny New Year and one in which I have already committed myself to running a half marathon by signing up for the Larking Gowen City of Norwich half marathon in November.

I did a review of most of December on Christmas Eve, so suffice it to mention here that I gained 4lb over the whole Christmas week and managed to log a further 6.18 miles of running taking me over 30 miles run in December.

I’m not worried, most of those 4lb is cheese and mulled wine and I believe firmly that the body has it’s own methods for rapidly flushing that out in the first week of January. I would like my running mileage to be closer to 50 though, so to try and get myself back into the habit of running on dark cold nights, after the confusion that was December I have signed up to take part in Janathon. This means running, and blogging about it every day in January.


So, this morning, after a 2am Champagne fuelled walk home and a few hours sleep I pulled on my leggings and headed out to run. Running every day will mean that I will do several short runs, as upping my mileage too much in one go will be a very bad idea that will no doubt leave me crippled by February. So, it being New Years Day and all, I had planned a run to the corner and back, a total distance of 1 miles.

It was, fortunately, a beautiful crisp, clear, sunny day. My muscles didn’t feel quite so crisp and clear though and before I’d even got out of my street my ARMS were aching. My ARMS. Srsly.


I felt like rubbish, my breathing was ragged and I wanted my bed. By the time I made it to the corner half a mile away I’d settled into my stride a bit more, my breathing had eased and my wibbly muscles had burned off the last of the Babycham and started using the Pringles for fuel. A far more reliable source of energy.

I didn’t actually turn and run back, like I’d planned, as there was a man washing his car and I felt silly turning round and running back, so instead I took a turn and ran a loop back to my house along a footpath, which turned out to be quite a nice short loop of about 1.2 miles, so I’ll probably use that again later in the month.


I arrived home after what is really a frankly pathetic 11 minutes and 23 seconds of running feeling like I’d conquered the world.


I felt like I’d conquered the world because I had GONE RUNNING on New Years Day. If you’d told me to go running last New Years Day I would have laughed at you and then gone back to bed. Therefore, just for today, I get to be Queen of Running in my own little world, because despite those Christmas pounds I’m a long, long way from where I was this time last year.

Now all I have to do is keep it up for another 30 days……..



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7 replies on “Welcome to #janathon”
    1. says: Lady Lipstick

      I dunno. I’m all filled with enthusiasm at the moment, I expect that will wane later in the month!

    1. says: Lady Lipstick

      If I’d have walked it it would have taken longer, the advantage of running is I get home quicker! ha!

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