January 19, 2025
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA
Fitness & Health

#janathon Day 5

Raaar! Writing this blog as speedily as I had to run!

Busy day meant fitting in another 1.2 mile trot around the block.


I zoomed round, feeling harrassed, at a pace of 9 minutes 18 seconds a mile, though I definitely slowed down on the hill at the end.

Gemma Stats

Having bot even burnt off enough calories to cover one slice of last nights pizza pig out, I am now zooming off to a meeting. Still feeling harrassed. I hope to have time for a slightly longer, more relaxed run tomorrow.

Arriving home from todays zoom. No make up WHERE ARE MY EYEBROWS?!!


Personal Trainer, blogger, red lipstick wearer and Cocktail drinker. Learning to enjoy the journey.