So lets chalk today down as an active rest day shall we? I had vaguely thought I might go for a little run, but as I had to wait in for a parcel I thought maybe a spot of yoga to loosen up my back and hips was a nice idea. Yes, that’s right, I’ve completely thrown that “Yoga doesn’t count” rule out of the window, I’m not sure why I made it in the first place to be honest, because it’s not like it’s easy, in fact it’s proper hard sometimes!
Last Summer when I injured my ankle I started doing Yoga quite regularly, and I really noticed a difference in flexibility in my hips and back. Once I was allowed back to running and hitting people and lifting heavy stuff I gradually got out of the habit, but I think it’s something I would really like to pick up again as I’d forgotten how much it actually helps with the other stuff.
Don’t worry, I didn’t put the lipstick on specially to do Yoga, I just happened to be wearing it.
Today I did an Injury Prevention Yoga for Runners video that I do occasionally, which has some nice seated hip work in it. I think I’d like to do this session a couple of times a week, and a full hour from the Sweaty Betty video once a week. Remind me I said that in February when I’m eating Ice Cream and lounging around wondering why I’ve seized up again.
Not the heaviest workout load, but by the time this week is over I’m gearing up to have done 12 hours on skates alone, and we don’t want to end up over doing it again, now do we boys and girls?
Now I’m about to do some housework. I’m pretty sure that counts as exercise.
I totally love Yoga! It’s definitely a workout and can be very hard. I love Yoga with Adriene and I was going her #30daysofyoga for January until I stubbed my toe. So sad as its completely put me out for Janathon too! I’ve not been able to put pressure on that foot all week and there’s not alot of things I can do on just one leg! 🙁
Great job on your commitment though! 🙂
Laura |
I like the way you update your blog… it must be really motivating to share your fitness achievements with everyone… o0o0o0h i dont know if I can do that too… 🙁
Anyways,,, your blog is really nice