January 19, 2025
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA
Dear Diary

And That Was June!

Can you believe we’re 3 days into JULY already?

I know that expressing shock about the simple passing of time that is moving at the same speed as it does EVERY YEAR is almost as stupid as complaining about it being hot or cold, which happens EVERY YEAR. But seeing as a nation we’re deep in the throes of some serious bitching about the heat, I feel justified.

So, JULY, huh? How the hell did that happen so quick? I swear it was only last week I was buying new gloves and complaining because I couldn’t find my tights and now it’s all Summer frocks and sunglasses.

So, it being July now must mean it’s time for my regular diary entry and a look back at June through a selection of my Instagram photos.

In June I started Juneathon, before being thwarted by throwing my back out 5 days in, which I’m still suffering now. Still, despite that slight set back it was still a pretty sporty month! I ran the Nike Womens 10k in London against all sensible advice, did a lot of Yoga before I was also advised to stop that for my backs sake and spent some quality time with a spiky rubber ball loosening up those back muscles. June was also the 2 year anniversary of when I went to my first Roller Derby training session. Aw.

I also took a lot of food and drink photos, because, instagram. A fairly good balance of the healthy and unhealthy, like most of my life. A smattering of cocktails including a lunch time Manhattan at Brasserie Zedel, sausages and mustard in a pub in Stratford after the Womens 10k (I earnt them) and a selection of pretty coloured smoothies from my Nutribullet, which I am in love with. I post the recipes with the photos on Instagram if you’re interested!

I also got some NEW STUFF, that I dutifully instagrammed, even if they haven’t made it to the blog quite yet!

The Max Factor lipstick I am planning to review eventually, once it’s not so hot that lipstick slides off my face, the gorgeous gold and black feather tattoo is courtesy of Sioou, the umbrella pyjamas I got from Asda and the bamboo bangles from Lady Lucks boutique were part of a raffle prize at a Roller Derby game and keep showing up in outfit posts as they’re just so perfect for Summer!

I took the odd selfie, and the occasional outfit shot because, everyone loves an Instagram selfie, right? No? Apparently not, ah well, I took them anyway!

They show me at the Norfolk Brawds first British Champs game of the year, struggling with my newly injured back, an obligatory train selfie and how glamorous my hair looks after being stuffed under a helmet for 3 hours of Roller Derby practice.

And lastly there was a selection of those little random snippets of my life. This is one of the reasons I love Instagram, I like the tiny little window onto peoples lives that it offers, and it’s why “official” instagram accounts generally aren’t of that much interest to me. I like to see what other people are up to, maybe I’m just nosey!

If we’re sneaking a look at my life you’ll see I looked after Betsy Hatters Guinea Pig while she went on Holiday, had lunch at Brasserie Zedel, saw some weird trees and watched Miss Fishers Murder Mysteries in bed on my funky Lenovo Yoga that handily folds into a tripod so I can watch it without the keyboard in the way!

That’s a picture wall in my living room there as well, there’s a few gaps I want to fill. Do you call it a living room? I’m always torn between sitting room and front room (as it’s at the front of my house, doh!) , or maybe it’s a lounge? maybe I should start calling it my Drawing Room and pretend that my house is way posher than it is?

And that was June!

We’re now over half way through the year, and July is promising some fun adventures! Definitely more Cocktails, trips away, Wimbledon, and, if my back stays in one piece, Roller Derby and running to prepare for another 10k in August!

If you’re on Instagram pop over and say Hi!



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