This Week I…..

Good morning! I hope it’s a lovely sunny bank holiday weekend where you are?

This weekend has been glorious sunshine in Norwich, which was pretty predictable as I have been inside a sweaty sports hall at a Roller Derby bootcamp. The minute I have free time it will invariably rain. I am planning to take a few hours off on Wednesday morning, so I apologise in advance.

As you read this I am still in a sweaty sports hall, so I very much hope you’re enjoying the sunshine.

While you do, lets have a little catch up on a lovely week in my life. This week I….

Drank free Prosecco

And ate a pizza.

I’m pretty much of the opinion that any week that starts with free prosecco and pizza is probably going to shape up to be pretty awesome.

Every year for my birthday Pizza Express send me a voucher for free prosecco, it’s pretty much the only reason I still subscribe to the newsletter. It’s become something of a tradition now to go out and eat pizza and enjoy the bottle. To be honest it would probably just be cheaper to buy a bottle of prosecco and cook my own pizza, but that’s hardly the point, is it?

We had a lovely dinner, even if an olive did roll off my pizza and, invariably, land on the white stripe on my skirt.

Went to the Circus

Oh, I do love to pay a visit to the Spiegeltent while it’s in town for the Norfolk and Norwich Festival! The Spiegeltent is an amazing temporary building, all dark wood and art noveau details that I have repeatedly failed to get photos of that do it justice over the years. This year is no exception.

I was lucky enough to get press tickets for 2 shows on Monday night. The early evening show was contemporary Australian circus company Casus Circus with their show Driftwood. The show features acrobatics and aerial hoop and trapeze that was gob smacking and amazing and made me want to learn circus skills and definitely be more flexible.

Unfortunately they also forbid photography during the show, making my press tickets a little hard to make the most of.

The Spiegel late night was Night Magic, featuring Gossamer Thread Cabaret and Hocus Pocus Theatre, both of which have friends of mine as members of the cast. The show was a fabulous gothic Victorian themed tale. We drank absinthe and enjoyed more aerial hoop and magic tricks, all tied together with a story of tragic deaths and ghosts.

Bought black and gold straws

I think the caption from my instagram stories explains my reasoning perfectly.

Went to a Museum

Last week I was invited to a bloggers breakfast at Strangers Hall in Norwich. There is currently an exhibition at the Castle Museum called Small Stories: At Home in a Dolls House and I was invited to go and have breakfast and listen to a talk about the exhibition, then go up and have a look around.

Except unfortunately in the end I was the only blogger available that morning to actually attend the breakfast, so it had to be cancelled in order for it not to be a bit weird while I sat in a room on my own eating croissants and listening to a talk. Though I do like croissants.

Instead I took Mr Chick up and we had a look around Strangers Hall. We had planned to go along to the Castle afterwards, but Strangers Hall was so absorbing that we spent far too long there. It’s an amazing building, adapted and rebuilt through the years and great fun to explore.

Never fear, I plan to visit the Dolls Houses next week instead, so I bet you can’t wait for that story?

Spent 6 hours on skates

Today was day 1 of a boot camp that I’ve been part of helping to organise with my Roller Derby league for the last 6 months. We have some of the worlds top skaters and coaches come to Norwich to run 2 days of classes. So, at 8am this morning I lugged a HUGE box of t-shirts with our logo on them up to UEA Sportspark to help set up.

I had actually bought a ticket for the event, so I then left everyone to it and just enjoyed the day. There were 4 blocks of classes. I did Pilates as an off skates class first thing, then the next 3 blocks were all on skates. It was hot, it was sweaty, my feet are KILLING me and I have to do it all again for another 8 hours tomorrow. BUT. It’s been the most fantastic day. I have learnt LOADS and I am currently in a very good mood.

Lets see if it lasts when I have to get out of bed in the morning….

Came home to strawberries

Because I like to finish on a story to make you puke with its cuteness. The hot weather means the strawberries in our garden are ripening.

Mr Chick is away overnight, and when I came home from the bootcamp today I found this on the table in the living room.


And that was another week in my life….

How was your week?

One reply on “This Week I…..”
  1. says: Alice

    Wonderful week! I like those black and gold straws! I’ve been working all week, trying to finish a project! Wish me luck! See you next week!

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