This Week I….

Well, that was a very long week!

Norwich Cocktail Week finished last night, and now it’s time to stop, take stock, and learn from this years mistakes and triumphs for next year.

We have drunk far too many very nice Cocktails, had far too many late nights, and before I do any taking stock I plan to spend some time doing nothing.

So that’s todays plans.


And maybe some hoovering because Pugs sure do know how to shed hair.

In the mean time, this week I….

Had Cocktails by the Fire with my Favourite People

Aaaah, lets start with this. On Sunday last week my Mum & Dad drove up to visit for some Cocktails. 150 miles is a long way to drive for Cocktails, but they’re very dedicated.

Sunday night is not a prime Cocktail bar opening time, so we had a more relaxed evening in some more local pubs with Cocktail offerings, which is how I ended up sat by the fire in The Woolpack Yard, drinking Cocktails with my Mum and Dad, Mr LLL, and 2 of my best friends. It was a lovely evening.

“Fixed” My Laptop

I say “fixed” because although the laptop is now functional, I have lost everything that was on it. I had to buy a new branded USB stick to boot the machine from as apparently my generic ones just weren’t good enough for this fussy machine. After repeated failures to restore, refresh, or rescue any of my files, my last option was to do a complete fresh install of Windows, which, thankfully, actually worked.

So everything is gone. Some of it was backed up. Some important documents weren’t as they were recent and I hadn’t backed up for a while. 10 years worth of emails are all gone as one of them wasn’t on IMAP and I never though to back up my profile. It’s very frustrating, but at least I have a working laptop without having to fork out on a new one. Plus, I’m starting to love Cloud based storage, something I have been suspicious of for years.

Please, store all my things in the Cloud. It turns out I’m more likely to lose it than you are.

Drank a LOT of Cocktails

Like, a lot.

Just a taster for you.

That’s a lot of Cocktails. Just saying.

Was Saved by the Gym (and Pugs)

I’ve felt kinda close to having a meltdown for much of this week. My brain has felt all fizzy and I’ve felt a bit like I was skating around the edge of that precipice that leads down into crazy town.

2 things saved me.

Coming home to the Pugs every night and listening to their snoring kept me going. I don’t think anyone can possibly be stressed while being sat on by snoring pugs.

Then on Friday I made time to go back to the gym.

I had an Olympic Lifting session with Paul Fawcett personal training. I was expecting it to suck. I was tired, unhealthy and at the end of a week of daily Cocktails. But it was like it flicked a switch in my brain.

Everything seemed clearer and I was instantly so much happier.

Exercise people, it’s for more than just ripped abs!

Went Halloween Crazy

I love Halloween, and it’s on it’s way!

First up I bought Pumpkin Spice Cream Liquer in Aldi, and 2 beers called Dunkel Fester, which I thought was hilarious. I am saving them for Halloween.

Then I went to Poundland, and now I have Halloween straws. Don’t think this is where it will end either, because Poundland have some kick ass Halloween stuff and there are still 2 weeks in which I will inevitably buy paper plates, napkins, tea light holders, and potentially a large light up sign that says BOO.

Had Brunch

It was only at a Wetherspoons, but sometimes you just have to leave the house during the day and not drink Cocktails.

It was so warm we even sat outside to eat it.

Found £20

And, in possibly the best news of the week, I got a handbag down from the top of my wardrobe that I’d nearly forgotten about.

It’s a gorgeous velvet clutch box bag from Vendula London that says Happy Hour on it. Perfect for Cocktail Week. Last time I used it was about 2 years ago, I just hadn’t thought about it. I started transferring the evenings essentials across, and found £20 in the zip pocket in the middle.


I’m pretty careful with my money, so it’s almost unheard of for me to find money I didn’t know I had. Especially not a whole £20.

I’m not sure what to blow it on yet, but probably not Cocktails…..

And that was another week in my life.

How was your week?


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