January 20, 2025
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA
Inspiration & Lifestyle

Christmas in Pictures 2017

Last year I did a photo an hour on Christmas Day, but that wasn’t really a typical Christmas Day as I was at home with my parents. So this year I thought I’d do it again.

This year was a lot more typical, but I realised quite quickly that I spend an awful lot of time on the sofa eating Pringles and watching TV which makes photos a little samey after a while.

Still, I persevered, so today here’s a little peek at our Christmas Day with a photo an hour, snapped on my iPhone and my DSLR.


Normally we open stocking presents in bed with a cup of coffee, but we like to have the Pugs up to visit in the morning and we thought they might eat everything, so instead this year we just have coffee and Pug snuggles and leave presents till later on.


This year it’s my turn to make breakfast and I make the effort to get out the vintage china and prepare a blogger worthy smashed avocado and poached eggs on sourdough toast.

We always have Bucks Fizz for breakfast, because Christmas Day it is acceptable to drink at 9 am, obviously. Previous years we have made our own with Cava and Orange Juice, I have now realised this is quite strong by the time you’ve drunk a whole bottle and probably part of the reason I spend half of Christmas Day crying at the TV. So this year we buy the ready-made stuff that isĀ only 4%. We are wise.

I also poached the eggs using “poachie bags” because I have never found out how to make poached eggs without making egg soup. Poachie bags are awesome.

10 am

FINALLY it is present time. My stocking presents from Mr LLL feature a Harry Potter wand/pen and lots of chocolate (he knows me so well). My sister bought us a plug-inĀ Scentsy wax warmer, which we plug-in immediately. My Mum & Dad bought Mr LLL a drone, and me a bag of goodies that includes pug slippers and a Harry Potter book that is blatantly meant for children but is absolutely fascinating.

There is quite a Harry Potter theme to my gifts and I also get slippers with stars on from my Nanny.

11 am

We take the dogs for a walk to the park and Mr LLL tries out his drone. It is far too windy for the drone and he flies it into a bench and I make him put it away before it gets broken.

The Pugs are fascinated by the drone and bark and leap around, which sounds like it could be hours of fun in future on a less windy day.

12 pm

We take the Pugs to the pub on the way home for a Christmas pint (us, not them).

1 pm

When we get home from the pub it takes us quite a while to figure out why the house smells of cinnamon. Once we have ruled out potential brain tumours we realise that we left the wax burner my sister gave us plugged in. It smells lovely.

I did breakfast, so Mr LLL is cooking dinner. I, therefore, get to relax by the fire. As per my own made up Christmas Day rules I have to keep my smart Christmas outfit on until after dinner. At this point, pyjama ETA is approximately 2 hours.

2 pm

Dinner is still an hour away. Best eat some Pringles while I read my Harry Potter book.

3 pm

Dinner takes considerably longer than planned as the lamb is not properly cooked and the potatoes stubbornly refuse to crisp up and need to be fried.

Then the Cranberry sauce explodes all over the inside of the microwave.

Dinner is finally ready about 10 to 4, and therefore *just* manages to make it into the 3pm photo slot, or otherwise, you would have had to have had another photo of some Pringles.

4 pm

Sometime after 4pm we finish dinner and waddle back to the sofa to nurse our massive bellies and watch some TV.

It is now dark and my new Candy Cane light looks awesome so I spend some time trying to frame a photo that gets the Candy Cane and the TV in.


I put Rose Gold shimmer in the last of the Champagne. It is Christmas after all.

6 pm

We decide it is liqueur coffee time as we are in need of caffeine to perk us up.

I manage to throw coffee all over myself as I am very clever.

I also put Baileys in coffee for the first time. I think for some reason in the past I have thought it would curdle, but it doesn’t, it works just like milk. I christen it Christmas milk. Who needs milky coffee when you can have Baileys instead?

7 pm

We take the Pugs out for their evening walk to the local playground. We try to get them to pose for a nice photo. It doesn’t work.

8 pm

We are back on the sofa, there is much sleepiness and more wine.

We watch Doctor Who, and I don’t cry, but I do laugh a lot. Then we watch Christmas Bake Off and the sugar snow globe cakes make me very tense.

9 pm

I put Cherry popaballs in my fizzy wine. It is Christmas, after all.

At this point, I do not plan to move from the sofa till bedtime so the photos might be getting a bit dull.

10 pm


I confess I forgot to take a 10pm photo, I think we headed off to bed before 11pm, but I’m not sure as we weren’t clock watching, just being very, very lazy.

My last photo of the day was the Santa from my Christmas stocking getting scoffed.

And so ends a very lazy Christmas Day.

How was your Christmas?

Personal Trainer, blogger, red lipstick wearer and Cocktail drinker. Learning to enjoy the journey.


  • Ewa Macherowska December 28, 2017

    Lovely! x

  • pixieanna December 28, 2017

    It’s a good thing you didn’t watch Call the Midwife. That ruined my reputation as a hard hearted old bag!!!

    • Lady Lipstick December 29, 2017

      Ha ha! Oh dear! Iā€™m very proud of my no crying this year!

  • SEO Hrvatska February 8, 2018

    Beautiful just amazing nice post and nice pictures captured very interesting i really like it thanks for share.

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