Get Fit, Feel Strong
Personal Training is an investment, but one that can give you a huge return in your wellbeing if you find the right trainer.
If you’re looking for a Norwich based Personal Trainer and coach who takes the focus off aesthetics and focuses on getting strong and feeling awesome then drop me a message and start with
an online consultation.
What I Do
I’m a Personal Trainer and Nutrition Coach, with a specific interest in women’s sport and strength & conditioning.
I don’t focus on getting ripped abs or weight loss, though I can offer advice on those things, but rather on realising what your body is capable of, overall health and being the best version of you. I focus on strength, stability and mobility.
If you’ve never touched a set of weights before I can help you get familiar with strength training, progessing from bodyweight moves to kettlebells and dumbells to using the squat racks and bench press.
All sessions are
4 x
I prefer to book sessions in blocks of 4, this allows me to get to grips with your goals and design a plan to progress across the 4 weeks. Your first lot of 4 sessions will cost just £15 a session and includes a full assessment and advice on home workouts.
Click the button below to start your online consultation and book your assessment session.
Who Am I?

My name is Gemma, and I qualified as a Personal Trainer at the age of 39. For most of my
In my early 30s I started running and entered a few races, I learned to love it, and at the age of 34 I discovered Roller Derby and started playing, have not Roller Skated since I was a child.
I found it hard to find advice about nutrition that was suitable for me when I was training for a Half Marathon and doing long Roller Derby training sessions. So I started to educate myself. Along the way I discovered a love for strength training and training others and decided to train as a Personal Trainer.

I skate with the Norfolk Brawds, currently competing in Tier One of the British Championships. If you want to find out more about Roller Derby this BBC video might help!
Where I Train
I train at Complete Fitness in Norwich, a fully equipped gym open from 6:30am to 10pm.