Halloween is approaching and I can’t let it slip by without some costumey fun!
Every year I leave it far too late, or don’t have enough money to put together the costume I really want, so generally 99% of any costume I wear is put together from stuff already in my wardrobe. I just jazz it up with a plastic gun, or a pair of cat ears or something else stupidly cheap from the supermarket, or eBay if I planned ahead far enough.
So today I thought I’d have a go at putting together some costumes made up completely of things from my wardrobe, with no extras at all.
Now, you’ll have to excuse the quality of the photos, I took them in my living room with a remote and the light was pretty bad, either too strong with the curtains open or a bit grainy with them shut, but you get the idea!
I did all of these costumes in under an hour, they only use things already in my wardrobe and a bit of make up. If I was wearing them out proper I might spend a little more time on hair and make up, and maybe fling in a few more props!
The Spy
A trench coat, beret and sunglasses. So easy. Potential props include a gun in your stocking tops, a bottle of vodka, or a briefcase. Plus, bonus extra costume, lose the sunglasses and add white ankle socks and black low heeled shoes and you have Michelle of the Resistance, I shall say this only once!
Rosie the Riveter
Spotty headscarf, blue shirt, high waisted trousers or jeans and a bit of a victory roll at the front of your hair. It’s an iconic vintage look, and most vintage gals have these things in their wardrobe.
I wore a charity shop shirt, Heyday! trousers and a wired headscarf that came with a dress from The Seamstress of Bloomsbury (watch this space as it is part of my new Autumn wardrobe revamp!)
I’m pretty sure Rosie the Riveter never pulled a face this stupid though.
A Stepford Wife
I find Stepford Wives pretty scary, and lets face it, most vintage ladies can find the ingredients for this in their wardrobes if they try! I’d have liked to add a little waist pinny, but I don’t have one. If could be bothered I could probably make one good enough for a party from a piece of ribbon and an old sheet or something.
I used an old bit of lace in my hair and backcombed it a little, a string of pearls and a dress I got from Weekend Doll teamed with a Vivien of Holloway petticoat and gloves.
4 Halloween Costumes Straight From My Wardrobe: Halloween is approaching and I can’t let it slip by without so… http://t.co/urzDnY4UFf
4 Halloween Costumes Straight From My Wardrobe: Halloween is approaching and I can’t let it slip by without so… http://t.co/UWSqCBJeAl
Excellent! A) I want your job & B) I have lots of cheap vintage waist pinnies for sale if anyone wants to be a Stepford Wife at any time!
Susie Pritchard liked this on Facebook.
Karen James-welton liked this on Facebook.
Freakin awesome
Your stepford wife one would also make a nice alice in wonderland costume too! 🙂
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There’s this site too:
Excellent use of our headscarf! May we share?
Of course!
Eleanor Bell liked this on Facebook.
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The Seamstress of Bloomsbury liked this on Facebook.
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Heather Sigler liked this on Facebook.
I adore your job. Awesome.
Catherine Beck liked this on Facebook.
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Emily Lukingbeal Stepp liked this on Facebook.
I hope you didn’t do these all in one day or you must be knackered 😉
Really great ideas… if only I had a trench coat! x
Yep, took me less than an hour to do all 4!
I have to say that from the age you were destined for this job! You used to have special dressing up clothes reserved for you at play school! Do you remember the purple outfit with the medieval hat? X
Yes, and the gold Princess outfit!
Jess Shanahan liked this on Facebook.
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Michelle Louise Finnerty liked this on Facebook.
Most of us have French maid costume in their wardrobe as well.
That is what I am doing for Halloween. Using stuff I already have. Makes it more fun!
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Miss Kittenheel liked this on Facebook.
Great post, love the costumes!
All go then!
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I haven’t done any planning, yet.
I know.. I know: it’s there! – but, we don’t celebrate it much over here. AND, those who do tend to make burn-out parties (to which most folk arrive without a costume on). However, since this year it falls on a Friday – I just might consider going.
And, just like yourself – I can always open the wardobe and head to the party as .. Ingrid Bergman in “Casablanca” 🙂
4 Halloween Costumes Straight From My Wardrobe http://t.co/smB1pU0WYs
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