Halloween Costumes Straight From My Wardrobe

Halloween is approaching and I can’t let it slip by without some costumey fun!

Every year I leave it far too late, or don’t have enough money to put together the costume I really want, so generally 99% of any costume I wear is put together from stuff already in my wardrobe. I just jazz it up with a plastic gun, or a pair of cat ears or something else stupidly cheap from the supermarket, or eBay if I planned ahead far enough.

So today I thought I’d have a go at putting together some costumes made up completely of things from my wardrobe, with no extras at all.

Now, you’ll have to excuse the quality of the photos, I took them in my living room with a remote and the light was pretty bad, either too strong with the curtains open or a bit grainy with them shut, but you get the idea!

I did all of these costumes in under an hour, they only use things already in my wardrobe and a bit of make up. If I was wearing them out proper I might spend a little more time on hair and make up, and maybe fling in a few more props!

The Spy

A trench coat, beret and sunglasses. So easy. Potential props include a gun in your stocking tops, a bottle of vodka, or a briefcase. Plus, bonus extra costume, lose the sunglasses and add white ankle socks and black low heeled shoes and you have Michelle of the Resistance, I shall say this only once!


Rosie the Riveter

Spotty headscarf, blue shirt, high waisted trousers or jeans and a bit of a victory roll at the front of your hair. It’s an iconic vintage look, and most vintage gals have these things in their wardrobe.

I wore a charity shop shirt, Heyday! trousers and a wired headscarf that came with a dress from The Seamstress of Bloomsbury (watch this space as it is part of my new Autumn wardrobe revamp!)

I’m pretty sure Rosie the Riveter never pulled a face this stupid though.

Rosie The Riveter

A Stepford Wife

I find Stepford Wives pretty scary, and lets face it, most vintage ladies can find the ingredients for this in their wardrobes if they try! I’d have liked to add a little waist pinny, but I don’t have one. If could be bothered I could probably make one good enough for a party from a piece of ribbon and an old sheet or something.

I used an old bit of lace in my hair and backcombed it a little, a string of pearls and a dress I got from Weekend Doll teamed with a Vivien of Holloway petticoat and gloves.

Stepford Wife

Do you have a Halloween costume planned?

55 replies on “Halloween Costumes Straight From My Wardrobe”
  1. says: Maja Ćorić

    I haven’t done any planning, yet.
    I know.. I know: it’s there! – but, we don’t celebrate it much over here. AND, those who do tend to make burn-out parties (to which most folk arrive without a costume on). However, since this year it falls on a Friday – I just might consider going.
    And, just like yourself – I can always open the wardobe and head to the party as .. Ingrid Bergman in “Casablanca” 🙂


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