Looks Like Autumn Feels Like Summer

I’d like to talk about the weather for a while.

Yeah, I know, how very British. But I’m starting to get incredibly grumpy about it. I mean, I live in England, I expect 4 days of sunshine and then it rains for the rest of Summer. This Summer the constant sunshine has been frankly confusing.

It’s not even the sunshine that’s making me fed up, really. I like a bit of sunshine. It’s the horrendous humidity that means every time I leave the house beads of sweat pop up on my top lip and that I basically spend all day with that clammy “just got out of the shower” feeling.

I’m finding myself looking forward to the inevitable humongous thunder-storm, and that lovely fresh feeling that will follow.

I am totally prepared for the comments from people from sunnier climes reminding me that I don’t even know what heat IS, and that it’s 45 degrees over there EVERY DAY. But, well, it’s all relative isn’t it. If it’s 45 degrees there every day you’re probably used to it. I’ve spent 37 years living in a country where I can probably count on my fingers the number of days it’s been over 30 degrees.

Basically it’s just TOO DARN HOT right now.

Now we’ve got that out of the way we can get to the point, which is todays “not quite Autumn, not quite Summer” outfit.


There is literally no outfit in the world that is going to keep me cool right now, so I just have to accept that whatever I wear the world is going to be a sticky place. So I opted for a mix of some autumn colours and comfortable styles.

I’m also wearing some NEW SHOES. On Tuesday evening Hotter Shoes invited me to a blogger event at their Norwich store, and I got to pick out a pair to take home with me. I chose the Hotter Donna shoes, that I’ve actually had my eye on for a while. I ummed and ahhed over the black suede and an amazing plum, but they only had the plum in a wide fitting, so that made my decision for me.

I’m quite pleased really, as they are just so darn comfortable that I have a feeling they are going to get a LOT of wear this Autumn/Winter. They’re also perfect for the current ridiculous weather as they have plenty of wiggle room for hot tired feet, and the leather insoles mean they’re not too sweaty without tights!


I’ve never bought shoes from Hotter before, but they have some lovely vintage inspired styles. These have a bit of a 1920s feel which made me want to wear them with my little straw cap. I bought this on holiday in Germany many years ago and had forgotten all about it till I rediscovered it in Glamorous July. It’s a perfect alternative to sunglasses for keeping the sun out of your eyes.




I’m looking forward to some less humid Autumn sunshine. I’m starting to get that feeling that I want to make sausages and mash, and drink Pumpkin Spice Lattes, dig out clothes in Autumn tones and wear them with cardigans.

I like late Summer/early Autumn. That bit where it’s still warm enough for Summer clothes, with a cardigan as the evening draws in, the sun is lower in the sky and the leaves are *just* starting to drop. It’s a transitional feeling, and it feels like new beginnings more than Spring does to me. It’s time to prepare to hunker down as Halloween and Christmas are on the way.

So here’s to more Autumn outfits to come, and hopefully less of this infernal humidity!

Leopard print blouse – Heyday ♥ Skirt – Vintage ♥ Brooch – Vintage ♥
Donna Shoes c/o Hotter ♥ Straw Hat – Bought on holiday ♥


11 replies on “Looks Like Autumn Feels Like Summer”
  1. says: CiCi Marie

    This is not a brand of shoes I’ve ever thought to look at before, but you’ve made me realise I must! You’re right these have a 20s vibe – they’re seriously cute and would be such handy winter shoes to have. I am ALL about mid height heels but so few brands darn well make them.

  2. says: Anna

    I have a couple of pairs of Hotter shoes and they’re really comfy and I wear them a lot. I really need a lottery win to indulge in all the shoes that I want!

    I also got my nursing shoes from Hotter – much less stylish but oh so comfortable for 12 hours on your feet.

  3. says: Suzanne

    Those shoes are darn cute and the heel height looks like something I can actually walk in without self medicating with a vodka drip.

    I hear you on the heat. In Toronto we have very humid summers and this one has been worse than normal. I’m starting to get used to the 35 C but when it hits above 40 C with the humidex I just don’t want to leave the house.


  4. says: Heidi L.

    They are great aren’t they? I randomly got a catalogue from them a couple of years ago,but hesitated to buy since they shipping from the UK to Us was steep. Then we were in York this summer and conveniently ran across one of their stores that was having a buy one get one half off sale,so I got two pairs. Many of the shoes have a very retro vibe.

  5. says: Porcelina

    Lovely outfit! It does look most Autumnal. I can’t say I’m ushering Autumn in this year, I still have lots of summery things I’d like to wear at least once this year!! The shoes look great. I’ve tried on a few pairs of Hotter shoes but couldn’t get the fit right. I’ll have another go sometime in a different style. x

  6. says: Leigh

    I can totally relate. I’m in New York and we’ve had one of the hottest summers in about a decade. Also it’s practically fall and it’s still so hot and humid. I’ve spent most summer trying to look somewhat cute while staying sweat free. Hehe. Bring on the fall weather and more comfortable weather. Love your outfit. Looks just amazing


  7. says: Perdita

    Don’t get me started on the weather – in particular the 6/7am LIES it tells e.g. cloudy and cold = whole day of mega heat and I’m in long sleeves, bright sun = immediately rains when I’m out with no coat. Boooo.

  8. I live in Florida most of the year and I have to say, even though I moved here to be warmer, I find it has also gotten so much hotter here that I’m thinking of moving back up north! I’ll never get used to that much heat!
    So sorry to hear it has been crazy hot in England too. Appears this warming trend is happening all over. But you chose a lovely outfit for a still summerish fall look. I love that leopard print wrap blouse. And the 20s inspired shoes are adorable.

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