This Week I…..

Hello again, welcome back for another fascinating installment in the life of me. Once again I have mysteriously failed to jet off to exotic locations, or do an awful lot more than have my shopping delivered and go to the pub, but I won’t let that stop me telling you about it anyway. No siree!

This afternoon I am heading out for a lovely lunch with a friend, followed by some traditional Sunday afternoon sofa lounging.

But first, this week I……

Fulfilled another Teenage Dream

When I was a teenager there were 2 pairs of shoes I desperately wanted, but never got.

The first I finally got my hands on back in 2013 when I got my purple DM’s.

The second pair of shoes I really wanted was a pair of Adidas Gazelles. My indie kid teenage self never got a pair, but now I am grown up with credit cards and when I spotted them on sale at ASOS I grabbed a pair.

The 6’s were out of stock, so I tried a 5.5. But sadly they were too small. However, I then spotted they were BACK IN STOCK, but also BACK AT FULL PRICE.

So I decided to chance it and return them for an exchange for a 6, and hurrah, this weekend my size 6 Gazelles arrived, at sale price.

They are comfy and my inner teenage me feels super cool in them.

Had Breakfast Al Fresco

You know sometimes there are things you just keep saying you should do, and you never do?

Well, I’m trying to actually do some of them, because life is too short not to.

On one of our dog walks there is a picnic table, and for ages we’ve been saying we should take a picnic up there one day.

So on Tuesday morning I made bacon sandwiches and a flask of coffee and we had breakfast al fresco on a beautiful fresh August morning surrounded by trees.

It was beautiful, I might do it again.

Went for a swim

About a month ago I bought a day pass from Hussle (referral link, gets you 50% off your first pass!) for the fancy gym at the end of my road.

I thought I’d take a nice day and make use of their lovely pool and hot tubs. Then it was nearly expired before I actually found the time to do it, but this week I went down and spent an hour swimming and bubbling in a jacuzzi.

It was super relaxing, until….

My Fitbit Versa Died


I love my Fitbit Versa so much. I rarely go swimming, but it is supposed to be able to track swimming laps. So I wore it for my sedate swim.

Then I suddenly looked at the screen and it was DEAD. Very, very DEAD.

I did not panic. I dried it off, took it home, contacted customer services, and as it’s still in it’s 2 year warranty (Thanks EU! It’s only a year in the US!) a replacement is on it’s way to me right now.

I won’t wear it swimming again though.

Dyed My Hair

The dried it very badly, and had a wonky fringe.

Gosh this week really is exciting isn’t it. Does doing my roots count as big news, wonky fringe or not?

Trod on a Frog

Well, actually I didn’t stand on a frog, Waldo did, and Waldo weighs significantly less than I do so the frog was absolutely fine.

I didn’t think it should be sat in the middle of a sunny pavement as the sun was coming up though, so I encouraged it off a bit and pointed it in the direction of some shady bushes.

I hope it’s ok. It was beautiful.

Smashed some PB’s

This was my last week of a heavy lifting cycle I started to get some strength back when I went on a break from Roller Derby.

I finished with a 180kg leg press, a huge PB over my previous 120kg, and also finished with a 100kg deadlift for 2 reps. This isn’t a strict PB as I’ve lifted 120kg for 1 rep, but it’s the most I’ve done for 2 reps and was also a little goal I set myself for this cycle.

So, once I’d stopped doubting myself, I was pretty proud.

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When I started my Roller Derby break 6 weeks ago I set myself a goal to get stronger. I wanted to get back to 100kg deadlift. * I set a PB of 120kg about 18months ago, but since then I’ve been so broken and exhausted I’ve mostly been at around 60-70kg. * This morning I managed that 100kg for 2 reps and I was really excited. * Then my brain kicked in and I criticised my form watching the video back. And then I started thinking it was easier to lift because I’m using a hex bar (which puts less pressure on my injured lower back) * Basically I negated the goal I’ve been working on for 6 weeks by picking holes in myself. * My goal was never to be a competitive power lifter, it was to feel strong and not injured and exhausted. * I try very hard to overcome my negative self talk, but it creeps back in at moments when I should be feeling at my most bad ass. * 100kg is a 100kg, whatever bar I attached it to and regardless of whether my form was totally perfect. * Doesn’t mean I don’t still have stuff to work on, but that’s a new goal. * For now, stuff you brain, 100kg goal smashed. * Though I still don’t know why I have to stick my tongue out the beginning of every lift…… * #girlsthatliftheavy #rollerderbyathlete #100kg #norwichpersonaltrainer #personaltrainer #thisgirlcan

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Got a Certificate

I do like a certificate, and when I completed my online diploma in Sports Nutrition a certificate was supposed to arrive.

And this week it finally did, dated January. So that took a while. I know the post can be slow but that’s crazy.

Went Back to Roller Derby

After a 6 week break, this week I returned to Roller Derby training, with half of scrim on Thursday, and played as relief (so I only played 2 jams) at a home game on Saturday.

It also meant I got to pick up the Captains Cup and Best Blocker certificate I was awarded after my last Champs game all the way back in June!

Please note in this photo that you can just see my new Gazelles in the bottom left. I do love them.

And that, dearest readers. Was another exciting week in my life.

How was your week?

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