January 19, 2025
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA
Inspiration & Lifestyle Vintage

What is "Vintage" Anyway?

I’m confused. This happens easily. Sometimes the answer is just not to think about things too much, but it’s too late, I already have. I think this has been floating aimlessly around in the back of my head for some time, as a kind of amorphous, shapeless half formed question. But now I finally have

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Inspiration & Lifestyle Vintage

Brave Enough for Vintage?

This post was actually inspired by an incident this weekend where a lovely woman chased me across a car park to ask how I did my hair, but when I started writing it I remembered this post on Diary of a Vintage Girl from a couple of weeks ago. I nearly scrapped the post, but

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Inspiration & Lifestyle

Ms Motivator

Motivation is a really hard thing to find. If you have it then everything’s great. If you don’t, then finding the motivation to do the things that help you get motivation can seem pretty hard. Since I came back from holiday (3 weeks ago! Hah!) I’m struggling to get into the swing of things. My

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Inspiration & Lifestyle Vintage

To Tan or Not to Tan?

That IS the question. At least it is today. A couple of days of sunshine have meant I’ve seen that very question being discussed around the interweb by vintage ladies everywhere. Miss Matilda wrote a couple of posts with some lovely photographs of ladies in the 1930s and 40s sporting sun tans. So why do

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Inspiration & Lifestyle

Deeds Not Words

I don’t often get political. But today is a very important referendum (and local elections in some places). Over the years people have died all over the world fighting for their right to have a say in the running of their country. Being a woman (no I am, really) I take this opportunity to mention

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Inspiration & Lifestyle

Kate Middleton and the Great Dress Goldrush

Ah, the Royal Wedding. Just because it’s over doesn’t mean the press releases stop you know. Yesterday I received an email titled First High Street Copy of Kate’s Dress often I don’t even open press releases, but I couldn’t just leave one sitting there now could I?! So I opened it, and there it was.

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Inspiration & Lifestyle

Don't Rain on my Bunting

So who cares about the Royal Wedding? No one, really, lets face it. OK, some people care. Prince William, Kate Middleton, their families and people who are involved in the very public ceremony. They probably care. The rest of the people who will sleep on the streets of London, attend one of the MANY street

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Inspiration & Lifestyle

When is Eco-Friendly Not Eco-Friendly?

Oh dear. One of my interests is in eco fashion. It’s one of the reasons I got into vintage and thrift or charity shopping in the first place. It always seemed so incredibly wasteful to buy so many clothes that then just get discarded when people are tired of them. I used to write about

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Inspiration & Lifestyle

10 Question Style Snapshot – Lottie Loves

I started chatting to @LottieLoves1 on Twitter sometime last year. It feels like forever ago! We got chatting, we had a lot in common, I realised she also wrote a blog called Lottie Loves and started following that too. We met for drinks, met up at Twinwood, and then she moved to California. I didn’t

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