Lucious Lingerie – Girdles and Waist Cinchers

Yes, I’m back on the lingerie lust again….

I haven’t posted about pants since February, but the urge to spend silly amounts of money on frivolities has reared its ugly head again. In fact, this time I’m not even sure I count my current objects of desire as frivolities.

What I’m particularly lusting after is some good support underwear. I have a red and white Stockings & Romance roll on girdle that Vintaga sent me before Christmas, and a black waist cincher, but now I need more.

Proper supportive underwear just completely changes how I feel in my clothes. I recently got measured properly for a bra at Bravissimo and finally have some bras that fit properly without lumps, bumps and eating me alive after 2 hours wear. So now I want to go the whole hog and, along with my promise not to wear shoes that don’t fit, now I’m in my 30s I promise myself I’ll wear proper supportive underwear that will make me feel like the slinky sex kitten I know I really am.

Top of my current wish list is the Rago 21 Shapette

I’d like it in black, then maybe white as well, just to complete the set, you know. I like the shaping bands at the waist and the detachable metal suspenders that mean I can wear it whether I feel like attaching stockings to it or not.

Once I’ve stocked up on the basics I plan to go crazy and spend all my imaginary money  on a multitude of girdles and waist cinchers in slinky prints and crazy colours.

Super Sexy with Kiss Me Deadly

Hollywood Glamour from What Katie Did

Bold stripes from Playful Promises

9 replies on “Lucious Lingerie – Girdles and Waist Cinchers”
    1. says: Retro Chick

      The only thing that worries me about the stripy one is that the suspenders look pretty flimsy and like they have plastic clips.

      I suppose you could maybe replace them?

      1. says: Catherine

        They are actually metal – covered, so they match the colours, and yes more slender than ours, but I happen to know the designer is on board with the whole metal clips are best thing 😉

  1. says: Alice

    This lingerie will definitely make the curves work! I am not sure if it is my style as I always keep my lingerie simple and comfy but hey, I am open for persuasion 🙂

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