What Are You Wearing? 20s Chick

Saturday night was Bo Nanafana, and this time the theme was Vile Bodies.

This meant I needed to slip back in time a little to the 1920s. I have an original late 20s dress (found in a drawer by Mr Chicks Mum, does that REALLY happen to people!?) that miraculously fits, so this was the perfect opportunity to wear it.

The dress has really gorgeous seaming details, but unfortunately I was unable to find a nude slip to wear underneath so you can’t really see it. I compromised with a skin tone vest and black waist slip. Not ideal, but needs must!

The dress is quite interesting actually, as you’ll see it looks like it’s just below the knee from the front. There were actually only a couple of years in the 1920s where dresses hopped above knee length. For most of the decade details like fringing, handkerchief hems and sheer over skirts over solid above the knee slips were used to give the impression that a skirt was much shorter than it actually was.

Another technique used is the one used in this dress. The front of the dress drops below the knee, but the back is shorter, coming just above the knee.

As the nights draw in I’m afraid we’re back to the world of slightly dodgy photos of evening outfits, but you can just about see in this one that what looks like tiering at the back is actually 2 slightly odd isolated frills over each buttock! What you can’t see at all is the lovely semi circular seaming it has at the back, which means that although the dress is dropped waist, it is actually far more flattering on a curvier figure than a shapeless shift.

In this one from the side you can see the change in hem length on the dress.

Despite the authentic dress, the 1920s always feels a bit like Fancy Dress to me.  When I tried my outfit on at first I really wasn’t happy with it. But once I’d done my hair and make up properly I think the whole thing came together quite well.

I really loved being able to wear this dress to a party. I have no idea of its history, so I wonder what parties it went to when it was brand new? I’d love to know how its original owner accessorised it and where they wore it.

I used the Style Me Vintage Make Up book as guide to do my make up, though all it really boils down to is a smoky eye and dark lipstick with a dab of Besame cream rouge. My hair I did the faux finger waves and bob style that I’ve been promising a tutorial on for ages and not yet got around to. Sorry. I’ll get there I promise! My hair is actually below shoulder length at the moment, so it’s quite effective!


The Bo Nanafana team really pulled out all the stops for the evening with white fringing round the bar and fabric draped walls with framed pictures. The guests were largely fabulously dressed as well. With some outfits so amazing I felt quite underdressed. I was off the booze this weekend as I was feeling a little under the weather, and therefore lacked the confidence and energy to march up to people and ask to take their photo, so I can’t show you much, though I did get a photo of this woman’s amazing peacock feather head dress.

I quite enjoyed being 20s chick for the night. I definitely need to do smoky eyes more often. I love the dramatic make up, and with a nude slip I think the dress needs to be treated to more outings.

Outfit details:

❤ Dress - Vintage ❤ Pearls - Various places ❤ Bangles - Vintage ❤
❤Shoes - Charity Shop ❤
 ❤ Stockings - Jonathon Aston ❤ Feather comb - Abilu Creations ❤
❤Ring - Claires Accessories ❤
11 replies on “What Are You Wearing? 20s Chick”
  1. says: Miss dolly

    Love this 20s look….what a fab dress and even fabbier how it was found! Love your hair and make up…hope your feeling brighter today xxxx

  2. says: Louise

    Fabulous, I love it. I wish there were events like that around the Midlands, I’d love more excuses to get frocked up.

  3. says: Tasha

    Ooh very Clara Bow in that close up! You look gorgeous. What a fun dress, so many little details that make it interesting. I love the flouncy backside and different hem lengths.

  4. says: Ruth

    Hello lovely lady another stunning outfit, your photo the other night sent me on a frantic hunt for finger wave tutorial vids!! Boardwalk empire has a lot to answer for
    General gorgeousness mwah xxx

  5. says: Perdita

    That make up really suits you!

    I wish someone would find something 20s and fabulous in a drawer for me… sadly I doubt it will happen to me. That’s one amazing find!!

  6. says: Suzy

    Love the 20s and love the dress. Your make up looks flawless! Please don’t tell me you’ve achieved that complexion with mineral powder alone because mine never looks as good!

  7. says: Nelly

    You looked great Would be great to know where the dres came from wouldnt it?I love how you did your hair and makeup.That ladies peacock head gear is awesome.

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