I’ve been waiting to wear this Summer Dress for ages.
Since I wrote this post in March in fact. The sun arrived, and I was all geared up to wear it. Then last weeks monsoon happened and I thought my Summer dress opportunity had passed.
Thankfully this weekend the sun returned, so I got a chance to wear it to the pub on Sunday afternoon where I was selling Norfolk Roller Derby merch at the Fem.Ale beer festival.
As it happened I wasn’t all that pleased with how the pictures turned out, the light was a bit weird and made me look grey, so I considered scrapping them and posting something else, then this morning a post from 2014 resurfaced on Facebook with a nice long list of things that Women over 30 shouldn’t wear. Half of my wardrobe seems to be on that list, but one of the items was crop tops. While this is technically a dress with a cut out front, I feel rather certain that the author of the list would include it on the list of things I should immediately bin from my wardrobe as I am a mature woman and should be wearing a selection of chic knee length little black dresses at all times. I therefore became determined to rescue these photos and share them straight away.
I’m not going to pick on whoever wrote the article. Click bait is totally a thing and she obviously did her job as a post from 2014 is still being shared nearly 2 years later, but it makes me incredibly sad that anyone thinks their age is a reason not to do or wear anything.
Thankfully most of the women over 30 I know have the common sense to ignore articles like that and wear whatever they damn well like, whether that’s a cut out summer dress, a vintage suit or an Adventure Time t-shirt.
When you chose what to wear when you get dressed in the morning the only thing you should be taking into account is whether it makes you feel awesome, not some arbitrary idea of what is “age appropriate”.
Hell, the best thing about being over 30 is that I’ve got the confidence at 37 to wear things with panache that 27 year old me would have spent all day obsessing about. I know what things make me feel kick ass and super hot, and what things make me look like a stumpy midget. And I also know that sometimes I don’t really care if I look like a stumpy midget.
If you want to flash your belly at 60, wear booty shorts at 35 or wear a twin set and pearls at 21 then that’s nobodies business but yours.
I feel totally awesome in this dress. I love the bold stripes, I love the summery colour, and yeah, I love that cut out at the front too.
It also doesn’t screw up easily, so I imagine this summer dress is going to get a LOT of wear as long as the weather is up to it, whether its appropriate for a woman of my advanced years of not.
I did consider putting together a post of me wearing all the things from that list, but my hair isn’t long enough for a scrunchie and I also don’t own any sparkly pants (this one does make me a little sad. I would love some sparkly pants). On my Facebook page Claire suggested I should get my readers over 30 to upload photos of themselves in anything from the list to prove how ridiculous it is. So if you own anything that you really should be far too mature to wear by now, I’d really love to see it!
Head over to Facebook , upload a photo and show me all you awesome women over 30 rocking dungarees, hoop earrings, mini skirts, scrunchies, crop tops, odd socks, tube tops and glitter eyeshadow!
♦ Dress – ASOS ♦ Shoes – Irregular Choice* ♦ Necklace – Short and Girly ♦
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Linking up with Not Dead Yet Style, Not Dressed as Lamb, Still Being Molly
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