Hi there and welcome to a lovely sunny Sunday!
This afternoon I plan to head down to the Lanes Fair in Norwich for a bit of a wander round. Secretly I think I would like to spend it napping on the sofa and watching crap TV, but the Lanes fair is only on today.
Maybe I’ll be able to fit in both? Naps AND shopping in the sun, what a busy sunday.
Anyway, I’ll leave whether I fitted in napping and shopping as a cliff hanger for next week. First, this week I…..
Nearly Lost my Phone
Oh the panic.
We went out for a coffee, and I got my phone out and placed it on the table. We finished our coffees and headed off to wander round the shops. About 10 minutes later I realised that I did not have my phone in my handbag.
The terror was real guys.
I think my whole life is on my phone, credit cards, bank accounts, social media, emails. As I ran back to the coffee shop I reassured myself that everything is backed up to the cloud, and also that my phone is fingerprint locked.
I thought about whether I would need to remote wipe it, then realised that I don’t know how to remote wipe my phone without having a phone to do it on, which is crazy.
Anyway, the story has a happy ending, because actually my phone was right on the table where I left it. That’s the first time I have done that in over 20 years of owning phones. One fell out of my bag once and got lost in a field, but that was back in the days when phones didn’t even have cameras, let alone credit cards and banking apps.
There is no illustrative photo of this event because I didn’t have my phone to photograph it. I didn’t even take a photo of my coffee #fail
Bought Pointless Stationery

This is what I was doing while my phone was languishing on a table in Starbucks. Buying sticky notes shaped like hot air balloons and flamingos.
I hardly ever even use sticky notes. I’m literally inventing reasons to use them.
They are cool though.
Fished the Dog Out of the Pond
Poor old Peppa suffers from allergies and gets quite scratchy, especially over the summer. Earlier this week I wondered if a bath would help make her less scratchy, so when we got home from our morning walk I popped her in the bath and gave her a good shampoo with the absurdly expensive anti-itch shampoo we have.
Afterwards I dried her off with a towel while she looked at me resentfully, and then, as she often does after a bath, she went a bit nuts. Running around, jumping on and off the sofa and rubbing her face on things.
I went out in the garden to hang out some washing. In our garden we have a small raised flower bed that runs around the edge and in that flower bed is what we laughingly call a pond. It is very small, not much bigger than a couple of large ice cream tubs, but it contains some pond plants and is home to a couple of frogs.
While I was hanging out the washing I suddenly heard a splash, and turned around to find a very surprised looking Peppa up to her belly in water with all 4 feet in the pond. She tried to do her running and jumping and zooming around trick that she does on the sofa and found herself immersed in a pond full of water that she hadn’t realised was there.
I fished her out and dried her off (again) and all was well. I didn’t get a photo of this either because it might have been a bit mean to leave her sticking out of the pond while I ran inside for my camera, but thankfully Mr LLL knocked up this handy artists impression for you (not to scale).

Had a Breakfast Disaster
In a week that contains such drama as a surprised and soggy pug and a not even lost at all really phone, this is a stand out moment of breakfast based drama.
I had a personal training client at 10:30am. This means I have to leave the house around 10am. At 9:45am I made myself a smoothie to have for a quick breakfast, walked out of the kitchen and had a bizarre spillage incident.
It was like a portion of my smoothie had become sentient and leaped out of the cup to attempt to hitch a ride to safety on my snazzy new leggings.

It touched nothing else, not the floor, not my shoes, not my top. Just the leggings.
I tried to save it by scrubbing them with wet kitchen roll and blow drying them dry, all the while panicking that I should be leaving the house RIGHT NOW. But then I just had a weird patch covered in bits of soggy kitchen roll. So in the end I had to find new leggings, which meant unlacing and relacing trainers and ARGHHHH I AM GOING TO BE SO LATE.
I wasn’t late though, so that’s ok.
Got Annoyed with Asda
In my never ending mission to save maintain my standard of living by spending as little money as possible, I was keen to stock up our wine rack. I heard that Asda had a special offer on wine where you buy 6 of their £5 bottles for just £22.50.
So I added 6 bottles to my cart, plus some kitchen roll, because I needed kitchen roll and 6 bottles of wine and some kitchen roll makes a satisfyingly bizarre trolley. Delivery cost £1 and I scheduled it for between 8-9pm the following day.
In the morning I got an email telling my order was all ready and advising me of some substitutions. Then I got a text message telling my my order was on it’s way. Then at 9:30pm I gave in and rang Asda to find out where my order was.
Allegedly there was some kind of van issue that meant my order was no longer coming. Then the whole website and all of Asdas systems catastrophically crashed and I couldn’t do anything at all so I went to bed with no wine and no kitchen roll.
In the morning I got an email telling my order was cancelled for unspecified reasons. I tried to place it again as instructed, but delivery had now gone up to £3 and I decided it wasn’t worth it for a few bottles of cheap wine and didn’t bother.
I have since been informed by someone else that Asda are prone to randomly cancelling grocery orders for no reason and that it had happened to them on at least 2 occasions, so I shan’t bother again.
Felt Smug About Buying Lots of Wine
The Asda order might have been a bust, but it wasn’t the only tool in my wine rack refilling arsenal.
Tesco were doing a “buy 6 bottles get 25% off” promotion, and, thanks to Quidco, I happened to have a £15 Tesco voucher waiting to be used. (I recommend Quidco, cashback can take a while to get approved, but the rates are higher than some other sites I use and you can get cashback when you shop at Joanie Clothing too! Use the link above and we both get a £10 bonus when you earn your first £5 cashback.)
I also had £20 in Clubcard vouchers. So I went and spent it all on wine, which was basically nearly free, and I felt really smug about it.
The 25% off offer is on till tomorrow if you too would like to feel smug about buying wine.
Did a Win

Yesterday saw the Norfolk Brawds play our final British Champs game of the season against S.W.A.T from the south west.
We won the game 291-88, but it was a much tougher game than the score line suggests. We had some penalty trouble and it was a really hot day. Personally I really struggled in the first half to control my adrenaline and my heart rate kept soaring. But we kept it together and took a decisive win in the end.
I even managed to win Best Blocker, only my third award in a million years of playing, so that was nice. Sadly I wasn’t there to collect the award. Some injury stoppages meant that the 30 minute second half actually took nearly an hour to play. I really wanted to catch the earlier train as I needed to get home to feed the Pugs, so I skipped the shower, and the awards, and headed off very stinky and sweaty to the train station. Only to find the train was cancelled anyway and I had to wait for 45 minutes in the rain to get the next one.
Threw my wallet in a bucket of water
I decided to use those 45 minutes productively by heading into Marks & Spencer to buy train booze.
When I got my wallet out of my bag it slipped through my fingers, and landed, with an accuracy I couldn’t reproduce if I was aiming, directly in a bucket of water containing flowers near the tills.
I know, what a week, this was definitely worthy of a heading all of it’s own.
Then I got tipsy on the train and I didn’t get home till 7pm and the Pugs were VERY pleased to see me because they normally have dinner at 5:30. it’s a wonder they didn’t starve really.
Watched Some Fireworks on a Hill

And, finally, to round off another exciting week in my life, some friends came round and we took camping chairs and a bottle of wine up to a nearby hill to watch the Lord Mayors fireworks (yes, that is what that blurry photo is of).
It was surprisingly festive. Lots of people from the surrounding area headed to the hill to watch them, and everyone went “Oooh” and “Ahhh” and then, 10-minutes later, they all headed home and the hill was empty again. Our friends also headed home and it was just me and Mr LLL with some camping chairs and the end of a bottle of wine under the starry night sky.
How was your week?
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