January 15, 2025
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA
Dear Diary

This Week I….

Hello! Welcome to a slightly cooler Sunday!

A super busy and exciting day yesterday means a day napping on the sofa today as I am pooped. But first, this week I…..

Had my toes done

This was bliss. I normally do my own gel fingers and toes, but for at least 6 months I haven’t been able to reach my feet. So on Wednesday this week I treated myself to a visit to Pop Beauty to have a mini pedi and gel toes.

I now have summery bright pink toe nails and I got to have snuggles with her adorable Pugs. So all in all a win.

Had far too much excitement

I mean, a trip to the opticians is positively heady these days right?

I broke my glasses and I need a new prescription, so I headed to the opticians. I thought it would take about half an hour, but I was in there for an hour and a half, including some time being comforted by the very lovely optician when she asked about my “general health” and I had to tell her about my cancer diagnosis. She put her hand on my arm and told me everything would be ok. It was actually very nice. I think it’s the first time someone I’m not related to has touched me in a non medical way for at least 18 months!

My prescription has not changed. And I can now order new glasses. Huzzah!

Then we bought a sandwich, though not the sandwich we wanted as the extended opticians time meant all the good ones were gone and we ate it by the river where I got photos of my new frock because I thought leaving the house ought to be memorialised.

Dress is New Look in a size 14 and the shoes are Hotter, they no longer have this style, but there are similar.

Got signed off to get jabbed at home

This week was the end of week 2 of my 3 week treatment cycle. Which meant the last of the 4 Velcade injections.

Mr LLL gave me injections 2 and 3 like a pro and on Friday he was signed off to give them to me at home in future.

We’re very lucky to have this availability. It’s not a complex injection, into the fat on your stomach, but not everywhere offers you the chance to do it at home.

This should mean far fewer hospital trips in future, and a lot more freedom, so I’m really pleased to have the chance to do it.

Had some Tiki Time

Yesterday’s excitement that has led to today’s tiredness was a visit from some friends to enjoy some Tiki time in our cosy garden. We had decorations and music and tiki cups and we had a very pleasant afternoon. There were cocktails and I drank some very nice actually (and very expensive of course) alcohol free rum stuff. I didn’t particularly miss having a drink, which was nice. I did try a can of cocktail, but immediately felt a bit puffy, so I stopped.

I also insisted on sitting in a proper chair, even with a cushion, rather than lounging on my invalid bed, which explains some of today’s soreness. But it was worth it as I’m tired of being the invalid!

Then we finished the day by watching Moana, which was nice and now I am tired.

Called the Police because I got pooed on by a bird

Because you knew there was going to be some absurd drama this week right?

In the middle of yesterday afternoon I was sitting peacefully in a chair under the garden vines when a bird decided to poo on my dress. Thanks bird.

I was holding my phone and I stuffed it into the cup holder on a camping chair and went to grab a paper towel to wipe the poo off my dress.

Then when I came back I heard ringing and a voice say “emergency”. I grabbed my phone in a panic and realised that when I stuffed it in the holder it had taken advantage of the iPhone feature that means if you repeatedly press the right hand button it calls the emergency services.

I gabbled and apologised frantically while a grumpy man told me to end the call. So I did. Then it told me it was going to tell all my emergency contacts. So I cancelled that, and then sat and hyperventilated for a bit feeling terrible that I might have stopped someone else getting through. Argh.

I must see if I can turn that off because I’ve nearly done it before trying to turn the volume up.

And that was another exciting week in my life.

How was your week?

Personal Trainer, blogger, red lipstick wearer and Cocktail drinker. Learning to enjoy the journey.


  • Sarah June 29, 2021

    If you go into your phone’s settings under the emergency section you can turn that “feature” off! Our local fire department put out a statement on twitter asking everyone to do this because they had gotten so many calls accidentally!

    • Gemma June 29, 2021

      Oooh! Thanks!

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