Mad Men Chick

Do you ever get really bored of of how you look?

I do. So yesterday I abandoned my normal decades of preference and sent a raiding party into the early 60s to steal some of their style.

I tend to favour a 30s or 40s inspiration with the occasional stumble into the early 50s, and I like it. After many years on this planet I now know what suits me. But, you know, sometimes a girls just gotta ring the changes.

I mean, we’re not talking major facial piercings or tattoos here, we’re not even talking a change of hair colour. Just some bright pink lippy (this one from illamasqua) and a bit of a beehive!

It’s a bit Peggy from Mad Men, with my curls flicked out at the end and a bit of backcombing at the root. In the pictures the beehive bit doesn’t look very big, but it’s far more obvious in real life (I also look a bit gormless, but it’s difficult taking photos of yourself in sunlight without squinting!)

I wish I’d worn my pearls now, but I got up very early (for me) and the most I could manage was yet another Abilu Creations hair flower.

I do feel a bit like I’ve been seriously lacking inspiration generally recently and some major lifestyle changes are in order. It’s nice to take inspiration from somewhere slightly different sometimes to keep yourself interested, step outside your niche and take a look at the big wide world. Hell, I might even buy a fashion magazine if I think I can trust myself not to feel fat and ugly by page 4!

What do you do when you get bored?

13 replies on “Mad Men Chick”
  1. Wow look fabulous in those pictures! The lipstick *really* suits you, and I like the hair. I’m definitely a mixer of decades. Some purists would call me fickle, but I just like what I like so I wear it how I like.

    1. says: Retro Chick

      Well yes, me too! Generally my tastes fall in a certain area. But sometimes I like to play!

      I have a sudden urge to buy a jumpsuit at the moment and waft around like a 1930s movie star. Might hunt for some and make it Fridays post!

  2. says: Vicky

    A new job forced my hand! Coming form a casual work environment to a much more formal setting means I need to add to my wardrobe and for the first time in about 10 years (apart from the odd suit) I have a seperate work and weekend wardrobe. I am still trying to strike a balance between smart and my age and my own style. I do have a couple of new suits but I feel like my mum even though they are very cute, I feel like I am pretending to be a grown up! (At 31 some may argue I probably was a grown up). I am liking the trend for blazers and am currenlty teaming everything up with a different colour one dependant on outfit (thank goodness for eBay) it means I can still wear the tunic tops and leggings and pumps I favour for comfort but it just adds a slightly smarter touch and I still feel I am dressing for my age.

    Of course I desperately miss my more rock chick look which is still sported at weekends but I feel this is a happy comprimise for now…………..!!!

  3. says: Steph

    I saw a French connection jumpsuit and thought of you this morning – it’s green & £65 – have a look!
    I love the beehive mini – I tend to go for one if my hairdresser is doing my hair

  4. says: Fi Phillips

    That’s a great look on you. Softer than usual. When I get bored with my look, I tend to look at what I haven’t worn for a while (clothes or accessories).

  5. says: Perdita

    He he, I think I am doing the same as you in reverse order – I’m usually 60s/70s or ‘mix my vintage into an indie fashion look’ … but recently I have been cracking out the red lippie and 50s petticoats/40s florals. It’s nice to change styles now and then, and mix things up a bit.

    When I buy fashion mags, I tend to get to page 4 and think ‘where are the articles I paid for these are all LV adverts…?’ then find an article and wish I hadn’t :/ So basically, I spend £4 or so on a few pages about handbags. Grrr.

  6. says: Aislinn

    when i get bored of the ‘me’ look i tend to get inspiration from blogs (like yours) period tv shows and old films. My look is very much 50s but i am swaying to the 60s as well, but i think this is down to the sort of tv programs i am watching atm, mad men and The Kennedeys.

  7. says: Suzy

    I like the new look, you look pretty. I’m a big 60s fan and love the early 60s look though am too lazy to beehive my thin, flat hair 🙂 But when I have had it done it looks good. It’s nice to have a change. I’m flirting with the 40s now though, like Perdita, with red lippie and florals. This has mainly been down to you, Retro Chick, as your blog is full of lovely tips, pics and inspiration.

  8. says: Hannah

    Your hair looks lovely! Frames your face beautifully!
    I find myself delving into the 1960s on ‘days off’ and tend to go for more of a Brigitte Bardot look – I’ve just had my hair cut though, so I think I’ll change to the mini beehive.

  9. says: Paperdoll

    It does you good to have a rummage around in the wardrobe now and again for inspiration! This look really suits you, I stopped buying magazines of any description over a year ago now, I got bored of being bombarded with unattainable fashion imagery by “fashionistas”, that they then pull to pieces a week later! (rant over lol)X

  10. says: Jamie Rose

    Your hair looks great and I love the bright lipstick! You do have a slight resemblence to Peggy. Or maybe you just matched the picture really well!

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