Well hello!
How are we all today? I think a half hearted return to work seems to be in order as we all try and remember what the days are like when it’s not ok to drink alcohol at breakfast and inhale food like someone’s going to take it away.
I don’t intend to challenge you intellectually today, or show you pretty things to buy. The High Street terrifies me in the days between Christmas and New Year, remember when they were *January* sales?
Instead, I’m simply going to bore you with photos of my Christmas. I might explain some of them on the way, to bore you even more…
Sheep finger puppet. First gift of the day.
Gift 2: Ear Muffs. I made the mistake of telling Mr Chick that all I wanted for Christmas was a nice quiet day.
Gift 3: Mummy Chick bought me a Lulu Guinness Bird Cage Umbrella
I’ve been planning this Christmas outfit for weeks. I feel like Mrs Santa. The tree behind me was bought on Christmas Eve from a Charity Shop. It’s old, so I hope it doesn’t catch fire, but I’m so happy to have something to hang my pretty baubles from!
❤ Dress- Principles via a Charity Shop ❤ Fur Trimmed Boots – Stylist Pick ❤ Belt – Vintage ❤
❤ Pearls – Vintage necklace, bracelet a gift, earrings eBay ❤ Holly & Mistletoe Hair Grips – Sugar & Hatter ❤
Pressies not pictured include a mousetrap and a convoluted clue featuring a picture of Neal from the Young Ones. These were promises of future gifts from Mr Chick who is going to whisk me off to London later in the year for a massage at Neals Yard and then out to see The Mousetrap.
Christmas televisual highlights include Poirot on Boxing Day, and Downton Abbey. I plan to be exactly like the Dowager when I am a crotchety old lady.
How was your Christmas?
Are you back at work, or luxuriating in an extended break?
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