January 19, 2025
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA
Fashion & Beauty

Sunshine and Showers

Saturday started with thunder and hail. Then rapidly moved onto blinding sunshine.

By the afternoon it had settled into warm, but with grey skies, but it was with a typically British sense of distrust that I headed out wearing those crazy high raffia wedges that I’ve been waiting to wear for ages, carrying an umbrella but with sunglasses in my bag.

This outfit has been about the most exciting thing about my weekend. For the first time in what seems like months I had no obligations and nothing to do and it was perfect. I went to the pub, drank home made rum cocktails, re-blonded my roots and watched Sherlock Holmes on DVD, the movies with Robert Downey Jr that I love for their silliness but I bet hardcore Sherlock Holmes fans probably despise.


❤Dress – New Look ❤ Belt – ASOS ❤ Wedges – Carvela c/o TK Maxx ❤
❤ Umbrella – From a Garden Centre ❤ Hairband – Primark ❤

The dress is another version of the comic book dress from New Look that I have, but in plain green. They’re just so comfortable to wear that I now have 3! They’re like 50s wiggle dresses without the fear of not being able to take big steps. I added the obi belt inspired by this picture of Marilyn wearing a wiggle dress and cinch belt that I pinned.

The wedges that I’ve been desperate to wear out are courtesy of TK Maxx, they’re these Carvela ones. I do love the TK Maxx shoe department, I got my other crazy pair of stupid platforms from Rocket Dog in there a couple of years ago. I’m happy to report that these were pretty comfortable on the short walk I took in them too, though you do need to watch your balance. Step on a stone and its broken ankles all round. It does add a certain element of excitement to any trip.

I’m also wearing my much loved lobster brooch that came from a vintage shop in Norwich. Part of my animal brooch collection!

close up


raffia wedges

Of course, there’s no point taking outfit photos with an umbrella if you’re not going to prance around like an idiot with it. I’m quite glad no one came round the corner and caught me doing this when there was no actual rain. Of course, 10 minutes after these photos were taken the heavens opened and I felt super smug with my umbrella then as all the people who’d decided to risk it scurried into shop doorways.

Am I the only one who feels annoyed when they remember to take an umbrella and it doesn’t rain?

Black and White Umbrella


Next weekend I am off to Wyndstock, so I’m hoping the weather gets a little drier, but I am planning my outfit around wellies anyway.

How was your weekend? Packed with excitement or lazy luxury?


  • Jen @ The Make Box June 17, 2013

    Hot stuff! I love that dress so much, and the belt just sets it off. I want! x

  • Lyn June 17, 2013

    You look fantastic in that dress. Really suits you.

    • Gemma June 17, 2013

      Thanks Lyn! It’s a tricky one to wear, comfy, but you have to hold your stomach in 😉

  • Vix June 17, 2013

    You look seriously hot ion that dress and I love those wedges too much! Mental weather, isn’t it? I needed a fake fun coat, sun cream, wellies, sunglasses, a cagoule and thermal undies this weekend! x

    • Gemma June 17, 2013

      Ha ha! I think that’s basically my outfit for next weekend! Glam camping!

  • Bex M (@luxiehoney) June 17, 2013

    Loveeeeeeeeeeee those wedges, though I would definitely have broken both ankles and probably most of my other bones in about 5 minutes! xxx

    • Gemma June 17, 2013

      Honestly, they’re not *too* bad! They’re like my rocket dog ones, you just have to keep an eye out for wonky floors!

  • Trina June 17, 2013

    Those shoes are stunning!

  • My daily London. June 17, 2013

    Beautiful photos, you look great.

  • Debs June 18, 2013

    My weekend was spent in bed with a yet-to-be-confirmed illness. However it did give me lots of time to catch up on reading 🙂 Isn’t it annoying when you buy a pair of shoes and you’re dying to wear them but it’s not quite the weather for it yet?
    I love that Sherlock Holmes movie too!!!!
    And finally, you’ve given me an idea of what belt to wear with my 1950’s dress!

    • Gemma June 18, 2013

      Oh no, I hope you feel better soon!

      Yes, it’s infuriating! At least they’re so high the rain doesn’t get in!

  • Jessica Cangiano June 18, 2013

    Splendidly fantastic outfit! From the classic curve hugging frock to the whimsical, instantly smile-inducing lobster brooch, I love (and would so wear!) every last element.

    ♥ Jessica

    • Gemma June 18, 2013

      Thank you!

  • Sarah June 18, 2013

    I love this outfit! I too get a bit annoyed if I go out with an umbrella and then it doesn’t rain, I think it’s because you’ve gone to the effort to remember it and lug it around so then if you don’t end up using it you just think ‘oh I’ve carried this around all day for nothing!’.

    • Gemma June 18, 2013


  • Bea June 18, 2013

    Stunning dress, and OMG those shoes…..swoon! You look fab!

  • Katy Jane June 18, 2013

    You look stunning! I love this dress – I’m going to order one 🙂

  • LandGirl1980l June 19, 2013


  • Eva-Lynn June 20, 2013

    Wauw. You are looking fabulous! I’m very jealous of this outfit! x

  • Helen Mae June 22, 2013

    This outfit is so stylish, I love it! The wedges are perfect and the dress looks amazing on you 🙂

  • irina June 23, 2013

    great pics, i love the dress (dark green an inspirational one) but also the umbrella is so chic….:)

  • Margaret July 2, 2013

    I am absolutely loving those wedges :3 They look fantastic!

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