January 21, 2025
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA
Fitness & Health

#Juneathon Day 17 and 18 – Don’t Look Now

In order to avoid boring you I’m doing 2 days at a time while I’m injured, still technically within the Juneathon rules as long as I write within 24 hours of exercising. I’m loath to give up Juneathon completely as with 12 days left to go I might be able to get back to it.

Yesterday I took my longest walk since my injury and walked into town and back, about 4 or 5 miles in total over the day. On the way in my leg ached slightly, but it soon eased, and my walking seems almost normal now.


Yet I still can’t stretch my right thigh. Today I tried some stretches and tried to stretch that leg. I can lift my foot up to my bottom, but my knee stays about 2 inches in front of my left knee, when I tried to gently move it back I was left with a terrible ache that’s still there now.

As long as the ache is gone, tomorrow I plan to try a short run, and a slow one, seeing as my walking is normal. But I’m loath to return to Roller Derby, which uses that muscle a lot and with sharp movements, till I know it’s better.

Le Sigh.


Personal Trainer, blogger, red lipstick wearer and Cocktail drinker. Learning to enjoy the journey.