Fitness & Health

#Juneathon – The Half Hearted Round Up

Well, the curse of Juneathon put me pretty much out of action from day 5 with persistent back pain. I’m wondering if I dare sign up again next year or if on Day 1 I will be hit by a meteor while running a mile around the block. Still, seeing as I’d started it, and

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Fitness & Health

#Juneathon Day 25 – The Smell of Failure

Well yeah, I know it’s not really failure, I can’t help being injured, but why is it always so hard to take a break? After last Friday’s repeat episode of my back seizing up and my insistence on still running the Nike 10k a couple of days later I finally decided to take the advice

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#Juneathon Day 21 – #WeRunLondon (and Day 22)

Well, I know this one is technically a day late, but yesterday was a long, long day and I figured it wouldn’t hurt to combine 2 days into one! After being sensible Gem on Saturday and resting my back a little, I headed off to London to spend the night in advance of taking part

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Fitness & Health

#Juneathon Day 20 – Sensible Gem

Being sensible sucks. After being pummelled yesterday my back is much looser, but still very stiff. I did 20 minutes of Yoga this morning, and then spent the next 2 hours trying to decide whether I was fit to do Roller Derby practice today. Ultimately seeing as I can’t tie my shoelaces without help, I

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Fitness & Health

#Juneathon Day 19 – Sports Massage Mk II

Even I’M bored of reading my posts this Juneathon. Although daily Yoga is technically exercise, and therefore technically counts, well, it’s not very interesting is it? Hello, I did some Yoga, here’s a picture of my feet. Well, today I did do some Yoga, I felt pretty awesome this morning. Then I sat down to

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Fitness & Health

#Juneathon Day 18 – Sweaty Skate

Soo, obviously I started my day with Yoga, then I did more Yoga before Roller Derby practice, then I went to Roller Derby practice to get bashed around for 3 hours. I thought I’d write todays post late so I could get more interesting photos than my bare feet on a Yoga mat, except I

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Fitness & Health

#Juneathon Day 17 – Running Through Treacle

Not literally, that would be gross. I started today with the now traditional “ouch I’ve laid still all night better do some” yoga, and then, as my back has been feeling a little less stuff proceeded to spend the whole day sat still trying to catch up on some work. Leading to it now feeling

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Fitness & Health

#Juneathon Day 16 – Motivation’s What You Need

I was REALLY keen to get back to doing some proper resistance exercise today, like really keen. I swear I can actually feel myself turning into a lump of jelly after 10 days doing not much. Stupid back is still stupid stiff, especially in the mornings, but it shows no sign of getting much better

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